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【期刊名称】《法制与社会发展》 【年(),期】2012(018)002

【摘 要】作为近年来兴起的一种本土性的司法实践,死刑案件的刑事和解是由部分学者的理论倡导、最高人民法院的司法指引与一些地方法院的积极实践三方共谋的结果。由于理路与论据上的一体两面性,价值层面的相关争论难分伯仲,故有必要引入案件社会学的研究方法。经验地看,死刑案件的刑事和解是一个极为复杂的纠纷化解过程,围绕着三方主体的和解活动所产生的8个变量均在实质地影响着和解的进程及最终的命运。这些变量的能量释放及相互作用过程构成了死刑案件刑事和解实践运作的基本规律。通过对这种过程性的分析或规律性的把握,最终可以看到,死刑案件刑事和解的前景并不乐观。%As a native judicial practice in recent years, the criminal reconciliation of death penalty casesis the collusion resulted from the three joined forces which include the theories advocated by some scholars, the supreme court of justice guidelines and some of the practices of the district courts. As one coin has twosides, the debates in value level match equally. It is necessary to introduce the case of sociological research methods. From the point of the experience, the criminal reconciliation of death penalty cases is an extremely complex process to resolve disputes. Around three main activities of the criminal reconciliation of death penaltycases, there are eight variables substantial

impacting on both the process of reconciliation and ultimate fate. These variables and the interaction energy release constitute the basic rules of the operation in the criminal re-conciliation of death penalty cases. Through analyzing the process or grasping the regularity, we can see the prospects for the criminal reconciliation of death penalty cases is not optimistic.

【总页数】14(P64-77) 【作 者】梅传强;周建达


【正文语种】 【中图分类】DF0 【相关文献】


