英语短文 英汉英语美文:美丽蝴蝶的背后 When butterflies fly around flowers, the view is fantastic. Who can imagine they are developed from Caterpillars. Who can image that is a disaster for beautiful flowers. Something seems fun, but in fact it is not right. Volcano is beautiful before eruption. The bad people always look like a good people. Many bad people delude you like these butterflies. You maybe thank them for what they brought you. What is the truth? The truth usually hides deeply. 蝴蝶在花间翩翩起舞,美不胜收,谁又会想想这是大青虫变来?谁又会想到这是美丽的花朵们的灾难?有些事看起来是美的,其实倒也未必。火山在没有爆发之前,往往都是美丽的景区。大奸若忠,大佞若诚、大贪若廉,许许多多大逆不道的人,就这样像蝴蝶一样卖弄花间,迷惑着你的眼睛,迷惑这你心灵的窗口,迷惑着你的大脑,以至于你还感激他给你带来的这份美妙和愉悦。真相是什么?真相往往不再我们的眼前,而在我们的背后! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8a649ab9f724ccbff121dd36a32d7375a417c6cd.html