鸢尾花的英文怎么说 推荐文章 西兰花英文怎么读 热度: 烟花用英语怎么说 热度: 彼岸花的英文是什么 热度: 白罂粟花的英文是什么 热度: 百合花的英文怎么说 热度: 汉语解释:鸢尾花大而美丽,叶片青翠碧绿,观赏价值很高。很多种类供庭园观赏用,在园林中可用作布置花坛,栽植于水湿畦地、池边湖畔,或布置成鸢尾专类花园,亦可作切花及地被植物,是一种重要的庭园植物。想知道鸢尾花的英文怎么说吗? 鸢尾花 鸢尾花的英文释义: flower-de-luce 网 络iris;garden iris;irises;flower-de-luce 鸢尾花的英文例句: 田纳西的州花是鸢尾花。 The state flower is the iris. 他把白色鸢尾花传给你? Did he pass down the fleur-de-Iis? 紫蝴蝶花|鸢尾花 flower-de-luce | [Latin] Iris tectorum 鸢尾花渐次爬上所有的山坡,眺望黑色的诗篇降临。 Flower-de-luce climbed all the braes one by one to overlook the visit of darkness like Psalters. 这款精巧细致的锻铁十字架使用细丝工艺装饰,尾端为鸢尾花图样。 This beautiful, highly detailed wrought iron wall cross features fleur tips and a filigree design. 我的宜家家居鸢尾花有再次重新开花的过程,和我相信它不是我的“诀窍”所致。 My Ikea iris is in the process of reflowering yet again, and I'm sure it isn't down to my "knack" at all. 百合花饰图案,由特定的三瓣鸢尾花构成的一种设计,用作法国王室的象征 a device consisting of a stylized three-petaled iris flower,used as the armorial emblem of the kings of France 用这款三瓣鸢尾花挂壁十字架,装饰点缀您的墙壁。材质为100%25无铅白镴,美国手工制造。 Decorate your wall with this Fleur de Lis wall crossmade from 100% lead-free pewter and handcrafted in the USA. GernotEchner及其同事所描述的鸢尾花型可变孔径准直器可彻底解决这个问题。 This problem is eradicated with the Iris Variable Aperture Collimator described by Gernot Echner and colleagues. 我钦佩那些小小的、含苞待放的花蕾所表现出来的活力,特别是那些娇嫩的鸢尾花,但我可不愿成为它们其中的一员。 I admire the resilience of the small flowering bulbs, especially the early irises, but I would not like to have been one of them. 1. Far out in the water there were water - lilies ; nearer at hand, yellow irises inbloom. 远处水面有睡莲, 近处开着黄色的鸢尾花. 2. Flower - de - luce climbed all the braes one by one to overlook the visit ofdarkness like Psalters. 鸢尾花渐次爬上所有的山坡,眺望黑色的诗篇降临. 3. Made from sterling silver, this pendant features a ringed cross with fleur tips. 这款坠鍊由纯银制成, 特点是十字架本体为环状,尾端为鸢尾花图样. 4. The blossom of one azure dwarf iris reflects the summer sky present only inmy imagination. 一棵天蓝色鸢尾花映现出只在我想象中才有的夏日的天空. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/928436870329bd64783e0912a216147917117e2a.html