外国国花中英文介绍 1..国花是指一个国家用来作为自己国家象征的花。国花一般对一个国家的文化别具意义 The national flower is a national symbol used as their national flower. The national flower of the culture of a country other significance 2.....法国:神话:。关于法国国花,另一种说法是百合花。相传当初统治法国的克罗卑鸟斯王是以青蛙作徽章的。有一次一名隐士在他家显灵,吩咐他献一只美丽的盾给皇后,盾上雕一朵百合花。以后,克罗卑斯麦持此盾上战场交锋,每战告捷,从此以后定百合花为国花 因为这种花有红,橙,紫,蓝,白,黑各色,不愧彩虹之称 Because the flowers are red, orange, purple, blue, white, black and colored, worthy of the rainbow said 香根鸢尾是幸福的象征 .Iris florentina is a symbol of happiness 外貌宁静,和谐,大方,It looks quiet, harmonious, generous 体现了法兰西民族的自由乐观和光明磊落的精神Embodies the freedom of the French national spirit of optimism and open and aboveboard 3....美国; 美国国花经百年争论,于1986年9月23日国会众议院通过玫瑰为国花 The United States national flower after hundred years controversy, in September 23, 1986 through the house of Representatives rose flower 他们认为玫瑰是爱情、和平、友谊、勇气和献身精神的化身 They think the rose is the embodiment of love, peace, friendship, courage and dedication 美国人还认为红色月季花象征爱、爱情和勇气 Americans also believe that red roses symbolize love, tendresse and courage 淡粉色传递赞同或赞美的信息,粉色代表优雅和高贵的风度,深粉色表示感谢,白色象征纯洁,黄色象征喜庆和快乐 light pink transmit the information of praise, pink represents the elegant and noble demeanor, deep pink show the gratitude, white symbolizes purity, yellow is the symbol of celebration and joy 4....中国:::中国诗句:“国色朝酣酒,天香夜染衣”,,春风得意马蹄疾,一日看遍长安花。 牡丹代表圆满,迹象,幸福和富贵 Signs of peony represents success, happiness and wealth, 5....孟加拉国:睡莲。 睡莲是世界最早的被子植物之一,生物上的文献显示已有1亿5千万年以上 的历史,古埃及、古印度文化中都可看到睡莲在人们生活中扮演的角色. Lily is one of the world's earliest angiosperms, the biological literature display has 100000000 5 ten million years of history, ancient Egypt, ancient India culture can be seen Lily plays role in the people's live 睡莲有 着特殊的清香,所以一直在宗教上被视为圣洁的象征 Lily has a special fragrance, so it has been in religion regarded as the symbol of the Holy 睡莲可以依开花的时间分两大类,有昼 开睡莲,清晨开花,下午阖起来;有夜开睡莲晚上开放, 到隔天上午阖起来 Lotus blossom time can be divided into two categories, with open water lily blossom day, early in the morning, afternoon and night shut; open water lily open at night, till the next morning shut 睡莲花语是纯洁、迎着朝气、抛去暮气 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/eb3bb71ef211f18583d049649b6648d7c1c708fd.html