编号Bank Reference No.:____________ 提货担保保函 Shipping Guarantee 致TO:__________________________ (承运人名称The name of the “Carrier”) 运输及货物的相关情况Shipping and Goods 发票金额 Invoice Amount 船名 Vessel 装运港 Port of Shipment 提单号 B/L No. 起运日 Date of Shipment 货物名称 Name of Goods 船次 Voyage 目的港Destination Port 提单签发日期B/L Date 标记及编码 Marks and No. 货量 Quantity of Goods 信用证编号L/C No. 以上记录以正本提单为凭。 All the above records shall be subject to the original B/L. 上述货物由________________________________(发货人)交上述船舶运输并由我方_________________(提货担保申请人)收货。由于货物的正本提单未到而又急需提货,我方特请求你方在未见提单的情况下将货物交付给我方,我方愿出如下保证: The above mentioned goods are delivered to the above mentioned ship for shipping by ________________________(the consigner), (and received by us,_________________(our name, the applicant of the shipping guarantee)). Because we have not received the original of the bill of lading (“B/L”), we request you to deliver the above mentioned goods to us without the original B/L, and we undertake as follow: 1. 因按我方要求交付货物而产生任何性质的责任性损失或损坏,你方不为此交付承担任何责任,一切损失均由我方负责赔偿。 You shall not be responsible for any accountable damage or loss caused by the delivery of goods upon our demand, and all losses and damages shall be indemnified by us. 2. 由因交付上述货物而引起的对你方的诉讼,我方将随时提供足够应诉费用并保证承担由此产生的一切责任和风险,赔偿你方由此而产生的一切直接和间接的损失。前述责任、风险和费用损失包括(但不限于)赔偿责任、诉讼费用、律师费、进行诉讼的差旅费等。 If the litigation is brought against you due to the delivery of the goods, we will provide at all time sufficient fees for defense, and undertake to assume unconditionally all liabilities and risks arising from the above mentioned delivery and indemnify to you for all the direct of indirect expenses and losses resulting form such matter. The above mentioned liability, risk, and expense shall include, but without limitation, liability of indemnity, litigation fees, attorney fees, and travel expense, etc. 3. 如果因此而使该船或属于你方的其他船舶和财产导致拘留或扣押,或是受到拘留或扣押威胁,我方将负责获取保释或其他所需的安全措施使这样的拘留或扣押不致发生或把已经拘留或扣押的船只或财产保释出来。无论这样的拘留或扣押是否合法,由此产生的损失或费用均由我方负责赔偿。 If the ship or any other ship or property belonging to you in respect to delivery of the goods is arrested or detained or threatened to be arrested or detained, we shall be responsible for obtaining the bail or other necessary measures to prevent such arrest or detention, or provide the bail to release such ship or property. We shall indemnify loss and expense caused hereby whether or not such arrest or detention may be justified. 4. 我方一旦获得上述货物的所有正本提单就立即交给你方。正本提单交付完毕时我方责任便告终止。 We shall submit all the original B/L to you immediately as soon as we receive them. Our liabilities shall be terminated at the delivery of 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8bc56baee309581b6bd97f19227916888486b997.html