Pep小学英语五年级上册第五单元A Let’s talk教学设计

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Pep小学英语五年级上册第五单元A Lets talk教学设计 教学内容:A Let’s try Let’s talk Talk and draw 教学目标: 知识目标:

1.复习巩固lets learn的单词,在此基础上使100%学生能够听懂、会说本课对话,

2. 100%学生能够听、说、认读句型There is a…/There are…并使80%的学生能在情景中正确运用。


使100%学生能够用所学there is \there are句型表达实际意义。




本课重点句型为:There is…和There are… 教学难点:

难点句型为:I have my own room now. What’s it like? 教学准备:

A部分的单词卡、图片、录音机、磁带。 一、preparation


T:Good morning boys and girls ,today I am your English teacher ,you can call me Mr wang , ok ?

S:Ok ,

S::You are so good ! Can you remember this?(师拿单词相应的图片请生大声喊出它的英文名)

T:Super , next let’s chant these words together ,are you ready ?

2、Let’s chant. 学生随着节奏边做边说:

Closetclosetopen the closet! Curtaincurtainclose the curtain! Mirrormirrorclean the mirror! Trash bintrash binempty the trashbin! End tableend tablemove the end table! Air-conditionerair-conditionermake me cool!


Look, this is my own book \pen\ruler\room,使学生充分领悟own的意思。Look, there is a big room.(师在黑板的左侧画一个大的空房子.)But it has no things ,Let’s decorate it (师提示汉语,并将各种图片贴于房子内。) Ok, this is my own. I have my own room now.

教师板书my own room ,领读并进一步示范,my own book \pen\ruler,使学生充分领悟own的意思。Ok ,next let’s play a game ,listen to me carefully and do as I do ,are you ready ?

S:Ready show me 游戏

Show me your own book ,my own book Show me your own pen , my own pen Show me your own ruler ,my own ruler Show me your own room ,my own room

教师指一生,please show me your own room ,学生手指自己画得房间的照片说:my own room .

T:Good , that is your own room and this is my own room , do you want to know more things about my room ?yes or no?次出示自己房间的图片,

T:In my own room ,there is a closet,教师贴图片边说,there is a big closet ,板书(is用红笔标出),领读,学生跟读,逐个检查读,男生女生读,教师接着出示镜子的图片,接着说there is a mirror and a big closet ,板书,教师领读,并检查读。接着教师出示air-conditioner的图片,这时黑板上会出现mirrorcloseta mirror and a big closet 的图片引出there is a mirror a big closet and a new air-conditioner. 板书,教师领读,并检查读。接着教师出示窗帘的图片,学生会说there is …,这时候教师做出打开窗帘的动作,左、右,使学生理解curtains,接着有学生会说出there are curtains ,教师接着重复说there are blue curtains ,教师板书并领读。(what’s it like ? there is \are ….) 教师通过变换贴不同的家具,用what’s it like ?提问学生,学生thereis\are…描述房间进行意义操练。 3practice

T:Sarah has her own room, too. let's have a look--What's it like? 1、听音答题

Now listen to the tape carefully,then tell me what’s sarah’s room like? Ok ?教师播放录音,学生听录音回答问题, 2、听音正音

教师再次播放录音,学生跟读。 3、合作共建

学生分角色小组内朗读,教师及时跟近指导。 4、表演展示

找两组学生上台进行表演展示 4production

Ok ,next let’s draw a picture of your room,and introduce it to us like this ,ok ?

学生画自己的房间,仿照对话的形式进行小组内练习介绍。教师可指导学生进行绘画,并用what’s …like ? 提问学生,指导学生完成对话,找三组学生进行表演展示。 5progress

做配套练习上相应的题目。 Homework:

Introduce your room to your parents .
