辞职申请表Resignation Form 姓名Name: 部门Dept .: 工号Employee No. 职位Job Title: 入职日期Date of Hire: 提出离职日期Desired Resignation Date: 预计最后工日.Last Working Day: 最后付薪日: 离职原因Reason: __________________________________________________________________________ 我将由于离职而支付约定的赔偿(如培训费用、物品遗失等)。 I should pay as indemnity appointed in the agreement(for instance, training fee and lost). 知会NOTICE 离职通知期Notice time of Resignation: (1)试用期以后Employment period ---- 30天days (2)试用期内Within Probation ---- 3天 days 批准最后工作日(由人力资源部填写) Last Working Day approved(only for HR): 员工签名Employee's Signature: 日期Date: 我已经确认该员工已经完全明白该职位的职业机会The status of probationary appraisal(HR only): 。 通过Pass 未通过Fail I have made sure the employee is aware of and understands the career opportunity of the present job. 直属主管Immediate Superior's Signature: 人力资源部审核Checked By(Filled by HR): 日期Date: 注:直属主管指分部门经理级或以上员工 IS, above section management. 总经理G 备注Remarks (if any): (1)该员工是否值得重新雇佣The status of reemployment 是Pass 否Fail (2)未休年假 天,加班小时数 小时,请务必于员工离职前安排休完应休未休假期(尤.. 其年假)。The rest of Annual Leave day(s), the rest of OT hour(s). Pleas arrange to take the rest of leave before resign (especially annual leave must be taken). 部门经理/总监Department Manager/Director Signature: 日期Date: 是否通过试用期(人力资源部填写) The status of probationary appraisal(HR only): 人力资源部审核Checked By(Filled by HR): 总经理General Manager Signature: 日期Date: 通过Pass 未通过Fail 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8f2c071dc850ad02de8041e1.html