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1 Parents revert to nagging;sons and daughters become rebels without a cause. 父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由的变成了叛逆者。

2 He talks to his friends about his aimless days and finds that most are in the same boat. 跟朋友谈起自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己一样。

3 The transition from university to a job is tough for parents and children; Crucially they must balance being positive and understanding with not making life too comfortable for their offspring.

从大学到工作的转换,对父母和孩子来说都很困难,关键是父母要在支持理解孩子和不溺爱孩子之间找到一个平衡点。 4 Men have a different way of handling setbacks than women, she says,so they need the male presence to talk it through.由于男人和女人处理挫折的方式不同,所以男孩需要跟男人谈话,才能渡过难关。 1 As the summer break came to a close, I decided to turn down Tom's proposal. 在暑假结束的时候,我觉得拒绝Tom的提议。

2 Hight school was a cut off point, So every one worked his backside off to go to a top university. 高中时一个分水岭,所以每一个人都努力学习考一所一流的大学。

3 You should try your best by all means, and then you'll get the emotional comfort if nothing clse.你一定要尽自己最大的努力,这样即使失败了至少也会得到精神上的宽慰。 4 Mother accused me of looking on my father washing the dishes. 妈妈指责我,爸爸在刷碗的时候一旁旁观。

1 Whenever the economic outlook is unsettled, both men and women tend to weae more conservative clothes.每当经济前景不明朗时,男人和女人倾向于比较保守的服装。

2 The new look of jeans lasted for several years, although became more and more restricted to small groups of inner-city young people, and had little influence on other age groups.这种新样式的牛仔裤流行了几年,但流行的范围越来越小,仅限于城内的少数年轻人群体,对其他年龄段的群体形象不大。

3 Sometimes the hemline indicator, as it's called, can even precede and predict a change in the mood of the stock market long before it actually happens.有时候所谓的裙摆标志,甚至能够预言股市的行情。

4 During the whole period, fashion styles have ranged widely, and have usually been sparked off by a desire to identify people as belonging to a particular sub-culture.在整个这段时期内时装的风格各种各样,而且往往源于人命希望归属于某种亚文化的愿望。

1 We shouldn't overlook or underestimate they influences of cultural differences on foreign language study.们不应该忽视或低估文化差异对学习一门外语的影响。

2 Internet was used with huge enthusiasm by young people nowadays, and recognized as the symbol of e-age.当代年轻人对网络趋之若鹜,并使其为电子时代的象征。

3 Low-carbon lifestyle was given greater respectability when energy saving and emission reduction became a global issue.当节能减排成为一个全球性话题时,低碳的生活方式得到了人们更多的认可。

4 I has often noted that there is a precise correlation, with only a few exceptions, between the employment rate of university students.人们时常会注意到,大学生就业率和经济之间存在颇为紧密的关联性且现有例外。

1 Today, while most of us marry for romantic reasons, marriage at its core is still a financial union.如今,尽管我们大多数人是因相爱而结婚,婚姻从根本上讲仍然是金钱上的结合。

2 A lot of the debates peoples have about money are code for how we want to live our lives, A lot of the choices we make in how we want to live our lives involve how we spend our money.关于钱的许多争议是提示我们想如何生活的密码,而生活方式的许多选择则与如何花钱密切相关。

3 Making those choices as a team is one of the most important ways to preserve your marital assets, and your union,experts say.专家们说,夫妻共同作出这些选择跟如何花钱有关,是维护婚姻资本及婚姻关系最重要的方式之一。 4 But it's that much easier when you already share similar outlooks on money matters-or when you can, at the very least, find some middle ground.当然如果夫妻双方一开始就在钱的问题上看法相似-或者至少能够在前的问题上相互妥协,那么事情就好办多了。

1 When it comes to the effects of current economic downturn, the decrease of students activities is a good case in point.谈及目前经济萧条所带来的影响,学生活动的减少就是一个很好的例证。

2 Some suggest enrolling more club members, on the ground that the increase of membership fees may help them weather the storm.有人主张招募更多会员,因为会员费的增加可以帮助他们渡过难关。

3 There is one thing that I would break up over with her, and that is if she caught me with another woman.我会


4 We must pool our ideas and come up with some ways of raising money in lieu of relying only on university grants and member ship fees.我们必须群策群力,拿出别的筹钱方法,而不是仅仅依赖学校拨款和会员费。 1 Contrary to popular belief,researchers have found that men gossip just as much as women. 与普遍的看法相反,研究人员发现:男人和女人一样爱闲聊。

2 men were certainly found to be on more likely than women to discuss"important" or "highbrow" subjects such as politics,work,art and cultural mattersexcept when women were present.男人并没有比女人花更多的时间去谈论政治、工作、艺术 及文化等,“重要”或“高雅”的话题,除非女人在场。

3 In fact, recent research has revealed only one significant different,in terms of content,between male and female gossip:Men spend much more time talking about themselves事实上,最近的研究表明,男人和女人的闲聊内容,只存在一个重要的区别:男人会花更多的时间谈论自己。

4 You also need a good audience,by which they mean appreciative listeners who give plenty of appreciate feedback.你也需要有好的听众,所谓好的听众是指对闲聊的内容表示认同并给予恰当反馈的听众。

1 there is on option left for young men other than to be trained as tough,capable and reliable if they want to win girl's hearts.小伙子们别无选择,只能把自己训练的强悍、能干、可靠,这样才能赢得女孩子们的芳心。

2 If they act to the contrary of gender expectations,they will most probably bemoan their bachelor's status for the rest of their lives.如果他们的做法与性别期待背道而驰,那么他们很可能会在悲叹自己的光棍生涯中度过下半辈子。 3 It goes without saying that men gossip as well as women.无疑,男人和女人一样爱闲聊。

4 He wrote an article to the effect that were sex difference between men and women.他写了一篇文章,大意是男女之间存在性别差异。

1 And when life on earth gets overwhelming,people retreat into themselves.into their homes.当世上的生活变得令人无法承受的时候,人们就隐退到自己的内心世界隐退到各自的家中。

2 Family is an inward-looking place,where we should feel safe.家是一个让我们倾听心声的地方是一个让我们感觉安全的地方。

3 Yet the more choice we have ,the more it becomes restricted.但是我们的选择越多,我们所受到的限制也越多。 4It will require great wisdom and inordinate care to ensure that people remain safe and satisfied in their homes.要让人们安居乐业,就需要有大智慧,需要投入极大的心思。

5 Any change to the concept of home risks significant consequences on the way we live outside.家的概念,在任何方面发生改变都会对我们在家庭以外的生活构成巨大的影响。

1 On the one hand we have a chance of reducing the misery of so many people,of raising standards of living,and of doubling our lifespan.On the other hand,as a territory ,the earth is finite.一方面我们可以减少很多人的痛苦,可以提高人们的生活水平,可以让我们的寿命增加一倍,另一方面,地球的降雨是有限的。

2The word home is an emotive one,home is where we hunker down,take off our shoes and switch off form the outside world.家这个词充满了强烈的感情色彩,家是我们可以放松休息的地方,在家里可以脱下鞋子,不受外面世界的烦扰。 3 It's certainly likely that the home n its traditional sense cannot exist without the assumption that there is someone,man or woman,who takes responsibility for maintaining it on a daily basis.传统意义上的家庭,要继续存在下去,就必须有个人——不管男人还是女人——承担每天维护他的责任。

1 so much of architecture has the best intention of creating pleasure or a sense of satisfaction,even if it doesn't always succeed.就算不一定能做到,那么多的建筑艺术还是一心一意要给人创造愉悦感或满足感。

2 The sheer beauty of the construction has transformed another medium of communication ,a bridge on a road,into a tourist sight in its own right.这个建筑物本身的壮美把另一种交通媒介—道路、桥梁—变成了一个旅游景点。 3 The skyscraper is the product of the modern age,and once again draws the eye to the heavens. 摩天大楼是现代社会的产物,他有一次把人们的视线引向天空。

4 Architecture helps build buildings,it's true.But its scope is infinitely greater.Its a language in itself,a means of communicating something other than mere form or function.建筑本身就是一种语言,一种交流形式,而不仅仅是形式和功能。

1 It may be the moderate pleasure of combining form with function.这种愉悦感可能是形式和功能的完美结合所带来的那种适度的愉悦。

2 No one who has seen the suspension towers,which rise above the morning mist and dominate the skyline,can remain indifferent.大桥的悬索塔耸立在晨雾中与天相接,见过的人无不为之动容。
