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in addition 中文意思是指「此外、除了」的意思,addition 本身是「加、加法」的意思,但是当 addition 前面加上了 in,变成 in addition 这个英文片语的时候,意思就稍微不同了。

下面列举出 in addition/in addition to的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧!

内容目录 addition 此外、另外、除了 [英文片语]

in addition 是个很常用的英文片语,中文意思是指「此外、除了」In addition additionallybesides

in addition相关英文例句:

例:He is a professor. In addition, he is a youtuber. 他是个教授,此外,他还是个youtuber addition to 此外、除了

另外一提,in addition to 也是很常见的用法,in addition to 文意思是「除了…,还有…」的意思。in addition to 很常放在句首。in addition to 的英文用法跟as well as 是差不多的。

As well as 的完整用法,可以参考下面文章。

in addition to 的常见句子结构为:in addition to + 名词, 补充的资讯

例: In addition to English, she is also learning Spanish. 除了英文,她也在学西班牙文。

例: In addition to English, he has to study Japanese. 除了英文外,他还得学日语。

例: In addition to the day job, she was also a mom and a yoga teacher and active in her local munity. 除了日常工作外,她还是妈妈和瑜伽老师,并活跃于当地社区。

上面就是 in addition / in addition to 的用法教学啦,赶快学起来吧!

总结 addition to 常放句首,用法跟 As well as 差不多。 addition 意思则是「此外、除此之外」,常接于某句后面, in addition之后,后面再接补充的资讯。

in addition, in addition to, in addition to 中文, in addition to 意思, in addition to 用法, in addition 中文, in addition 中文意思, in addition 中文的意思, in addition 中文解释, in addition 意思, in addition 用法, in addition 翻译, 英文 in addition, 英文 in addition to
