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1polished tile,抛光砖,

2porcelain super white matt 超白哑光抛光砖

3soluble salt /Color-penetrated 渗花砖(huā zhuān)(抛光砖的一种,较cheap 4Semi polished 半抛光(pāoguāng) 5Matt polished 哑抛

6salt and pepper 带斑点(bāndiǎn)的渗花砖 7polished crystal tile 抛晶砖 8rustic / antique tile仿古砖 9glazed porcelain 釉面瓷质砖 10full body 通体砖 11floor tile 地转 12 wall tile 墙面砖

13interior wall tile 内墙砖 14exterior wall tile 外墙砖

15indoor floor tile 室内(shì nèi)地砖, 16 outdoor tile 室外地砖

17plaza tile / plaza stone广场砖 paving tile 18unglazed tile 无釉砖 19endurable / wearable 耐磨砖 20ceramics glaze tile 瓷砖 21mosaic 马赛克

22border / decorative border tile 腰线 23Angle tile 角砖() 24Stoneware tile 炻质砖

25Embossed tile 浮雕瓷砖, 雕纹花砖 26,完全玻化砖 polished tile 27,金玉石 polished mosaic 28,精工钻 fine granule


1Nominal size /SPAN>名义(míngyì)尺寸/公称尺寸

2Work size /Manufacturing size: 工作(gōngzuò)尺寸/加工尺寸 3Shade number 色号

4Thickness /SPAN>厚度(hòudù) 5Caliber /SPAN>尺码

6Weight per unit/SPAN>每块砖重量 7Unit per box /SPAN>每箱数量 8Area per box:每箱砖的面积 9Net weight per box :每箱净重 10Gross weight per box:每箱毛重 11Boxes per pallet:每托箱数 12M? per pallet:每托砖的面积 13Weight per pallet:每一托的重量

14Neutral packing / standard packing 中性包装 neutral box 中性纸箱) 五、陶瓷机械(Machinery 1Kiln 2Tunnel 隧道窑

3Flat printing machine平板印花机 4Silk screen printing 丝网印刷 5Roller printing machine 辊筒印花机 6Tile press 磁砖压制机 7Ball mill 球磨机 8Compensator 釉线储胚机

9Pressing turn-over flat form 压砖翻转平台 10Glaze supply machine 加釉机

11Glazing bell assemble the diagram 钟罩淋釉器

12Edge cleaner 洗边机 13Polishing machine 磨光机 抛光机

三、技术参数(Technical parameter / Technical ) 1Water absorption:吸水率

2Modulus of breakage (MPa):断模系数(xìshù) 3Breakage pressure(N):破坏(pòhuài)强度 4Breaking strength (N): 抗裂强度(qiángdù) 5Modulus of rupture (N/mm?):破裂(pòliè)系数 6PEI - Abrasion Resistance:抗磨损性 7Side:边长偏差 8Thickness:厚度偏差

9Surface flatness / Surface smoothness:表面平整度 10Straightness of sides:边直度 11Rectangularity:直角度 12Warpage (%):翘曲

13Adrasion resistance / wearing strength / 14scratch-resistance : 耐磨性 15Mohs hardness:莫氏硬度

16Resistance to thermai shock耐急冷急热 17Frost resistance:抗冻性

18Chemical resistance: 耐日用化学品游泳池药用盐

19Acid and alkali resistance / Acid and alkali solutions 耐酸碱性 20Brightness / Glossy: 光泽度

21Temperature shock resistance 抗热震性

21Center curvature, related to diagonal (%):中心曲率,关于对角线

22Edge curvature related to the corresponding work size (%):边曲率,关于实际尺寸 23Coefficient or linear thermal expansion: 24Moisture expansion - (mm/m):湿膨胀 25Stain resistance:抗污性 26Slip resistance: 防滑性
