
时间:2023-11-03 14:04:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain are two big mountains. These two big mountains mountain peak danger, across more than 700 miles. There is an old man named Yu Gong in the north of the mountain, nearly ninety years old, his home is facing the two mountains, the road is blocked by the mountains, walking to go in a big circle, make the Yu Gong family is very upset.

Yu Gong called on the whole family and said, " These two mountains have blocked our way, and our access is inconvenient. We will all work together to move away these two mountains, ok?”

Everyone raised their hands and agreed. Only Yu Gong's wife raised a question: " With your little strength, even a small hill is also shovel uneven, how can you remove these two mountains? And where to pour the dirt and stones?”

Everyone said: " dig out of the soil, stones on the Bohai Beach to pour it!”

The next day, Yu Gong and his descendants began to dig up the mountain. One of the neighbor's widow's children, only seven or

eight years old, also jumped around to help. We dig earth digging soil, chisel stone chisel stone, dug out of the soil and stone with dustpan transported to the Bohai Sea. Come and go, we work in full swing, rarely go home all the year round.

There was a clever old man on the Yellow River. He saw the scene and advised Yu Gong, " You are too smart. You are so old to get rid of the vegetation on the mountains. How can you remove these two mountains?”

Yu Gong sighed and replied, " Why do you still refuse to think like that? I think you are worse than the widow's child. As long as we have the determination, how can we not move these two mountains away? Although I am old, but I died, and my son, son and grandson, grandson and son, son and endless children, generation to generation, and these two mountains, only less day by day, no higher. What are only two big mountains to fear?”

Zhi Sou was said to speechless.

Hearing Yu Gong's words, afraid that he would dig the mountain, he reported to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor was moved by the perseverance and spirit of Yu Gong's life, and ordered
