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中国传统古诗的英文翻译 中国传统古诗的英文翻译篇一 五言律诗 王维 终南别业 中岁颇好道, 晚家南山陲。 兴来美独往, 胜事空自知。 行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。 偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。

Five-character-regular-verse Wang Wei MY ***** AT MOUNT *****N My heart in middle age found the Way. And I came to dwell at the foot of this mountain. When the spirit moves, I wander alone Amid beauty that is all for me.... I will walk till the water checks my path, Then sit and watch the rising clouds -- And some day meet an old wood-cutter And talk and laugh and never return. 中国传统古诗的英文翻译篇二 五言律诗孟浩然 望洞庭湖赠张丞相 八月湖水平, 涵虚混太清。

气蒸云梦泽, 波撼岳阳城。 欲济无舟楫, 端居耻圣明。 坐观垂钓者, 空有羡鱼情。

Five-character-regular-verse Meng Haoran A ***** FROM LAKE ***** TO ***** ZHANG Here in the Eighth-month the waters of the lake Are of a single air with heaven, And a mist from the Yun and Meng valleys Has beleaguered the city of Youzhou. I should like to cross, but I can find no boat. ...How ashamed I am to be idler than you statesmen, As I sit here and watch a fisherman casting And emptily envy him his catch. 中国传统古诗的英文翻译篇三 五言律诗 孟浩然 与诸子登岘

山人事有代谢, 往来成古今。 江山留胜迹, 我辈复登临。 水落鱼梁浅, 天寒梦泽深。 羊公碑字在, 读罢泪沾襟。

Five-character-regular-verse Meng Haoran ON *****G YAN *****N WITH ***** While worldly matters take their turn, Ancient, modern, to and fro, Rivers and mountains are changeless in their glory And still to be witnessed from this trail. Where a fisher-boat dips by a waterfall, Where the air grows colder, deep in the valley, The monument of Yang remains;

And we have wept, reading the words. 中国传统古诗的英文翻译篇四 五言律诗 孟浩然 清明日宴梅道士房 林卧愁春尽, 开轩览物华。

忽逢青鸟使, 邀入赤松家。 丹灶初开火, 仙桃正发花。

童颜若可驻, 何惜醉流霞。Five-character-regular-verse Meng Haoran AT A ***** IN THE HOUSE OF THE TAOIST PRIEST MEI In my bed among the woods, grieving that spring must end, I lifted up the curtain on a pathway of flowers, And a flashing bluebird bade me come To the dwelling-place of the Red Pine Genie. ...What a flame for his golden crucible -- Peach-trees magical with buds ! -- And for holding boyhood in his face, The rosy-flowing wine of clouds! 中国传统古诗的英文翻译篇五 五言律诗 孟浩然 岁暮归南山 北阙休上书, 南山归敝庐。

不才明主弃, 多病故人疏。 白发催年老, 青阳逼岁除。 永怀愁不寐, 松月夜窗墟。

Five-character-regular-verse Meng Haoran ON *****NG AT THE YEAR¥“S END *****NAN *****N I petition no more at the north palace-

gate. ...To this tumble-down hut on Zhongnan Mountain I was banished for my blunders, by a wise ruler. I have been sick so long I see none of my friends. My white hairs hasten my decline, Like pale beams ending the old year. Therefore I lie awake and ponder On the pine-shadowed moonlight in my empty window.
