原文:手心主之筋,起于中指,与太阴之筋并行,结于肘内廉,上臂阴,61 结腋下,下散前后挟胁;其支者,入腋,散胸中,结于臂。其病当所过者,支转筋,前及胸痛息贲。治在燔针劫刺以知为数,以痛为输,名曰孟冬痹也。 手少阴之筋,起于小指之内侧,结于锐骨,上结肘内廉,上人腋,交太阴,挟乳里,结于胸中,循臂,下系于脐。其病内急,心承伏梁,下为肘网。其病当所过者,支转筋,筋痛。治在燔针劫刺,以知为数,以痛为输。其成伏梁唾血脓者,死不治。名日季冬痹也。经筋之病,寒则反折筋急,热则筋弛纵不收,阴痿不用。阳急则反折,阴急则俯不伸。焠刺者,刺寒急也,热则筋纵不收,无用燔针。足之阳明,手之太阳,筋急则口目为噼,眦急不能卒视,治皆如右方也。 翻译:手厥阴心包经的经筋,起始于手中指端,沿指,上行,通过掌后与手太阴经筋并行,结聚于肘的内侧,向上行经过肘的内侧而结聚于腋下,从腋下前后布散,挟两胁分布;它的分支,入于腋下,散布于胸中,结聚于膈部。手厥阴心包经的经筋发病,可见本经筋所循行、结聚的部位掣引转筋,以及胸痛或成息贲病,出现呼吸迫促、上逆喘息的病状。治疗时应采取燔针,用速刺疾出法,针刺次数以病愈为度,以痛处为穴。这种病就叫孟冬痹。 手少阴心经的筋,起于手的小拇指的内侧,结聚于掌后高骨,再上行而结于肘部内侧,进入腋下,与手太阴肺经的筋相交叉,夹乳的内侧而结聚于胸中,然后沿着贲门,向下与脐部相连。本经筋所发生的病症表现为:胸内拘急、心下有积块坚伏而成伏梁(伏梁:五脏积病之一,起于心经气血凝滞,久治不愈,以致脐旁或脐上突起如手臂之物,伏而不动,如屋梁。译注)肘部拘怠、本经筋所循行经过的部位,都会抽筋,疼痛。治疗时,应采取火针速刺疾出的方法。针刺的次数,以见效为度,以痛处作为针刺的穴位。如果已成,伏梁之证而吐脓血的,为不治之症,这种病称为季冬痹。凡是经筋所发生的病症,遇寒则筋拘急;遇热就会使筋弛缓不收,阴痿不举。背部的筋拘急就会使身体向后反张,腹部的筋拘急就会使身体前俯而不能伸直。火针是用于刺治因寒而致筋急的,若因热而致筋弛缓,就不能再用火针了。 而足阳明胃经和手太阳小肠经的筋拘急时,就会出现口眼歪斜、眼角拘急、视物模糊的症状,治疗时就能够采用以上的办法。 英语翻译:The meridians of the pericardium of hand Jueyin start from the finger end of the hand, go up along the finger, parallel with the meridians of hand Taiyin through the back of the palm, gather at the inner side of the elbow, go up through the inner side of the elbow and gather at the armpit, spread from the front and back of the armpit, and distribute with two flanks; its branches enter the armpit, spread in the chest, and gather at the diaphragm. It can be seen that the meridian of Jueyin pericardium in the hand has the characteristics of cramping and turning, chest pain or cardia disease, and shortness of breath and upper gasp. During the treatment, burnt needles should be used, and the quick needling method should be used. The frequency of needling should be based on the degree of disease recovery and the point of pain. This disease is called Meng Dongbi. The tendons of the hand Shaoyin heart channel start from the inside of the little thumb of the hand, gather in the high bone behind the palm, then go up and knot in the inside of the elbow, enter the armpit, cross with the tendons of the hand Taiyin lung channel, clamp the inside of the milk and gather in the chest, then connect with the navel along the cardia and downward. The symptoms of this meridians are as follows: the chest is in a hurry, and there is an accumulation of blocks under the heart to form a Fuliang (Fuliang: one of the five viscera diseases, which originates from the stagnation of Qi and blood in the heart channel and will not be cured for a long time, so that the protrusion beside the umbilicus or on the umbilicus is like an arm, which will not move, such as a roof beam). Cramps and pains will be found in the areas where the elbow is slack and the meridians follow. During the treatment, we should adopt the method of quick needling. The frequency of acupuncture is based on the degree of effectiveness and the point of pain. If it has already been established, it is incurable to vomit pus and blood on the basis of Fu Liang's syndrome. This kind of disease is called jidongbi. In case of cold, the tendons will be restrained; Encounter heat can make tendon flaccid do not close, Yin flaccid do not lift. The back of the tendons will make the body backward, abdominal tendons will make the body forward and can not straighten. The fire needle is used to stab and cure the cramps caused by cold. If the cramps are relaxed due to heat, the fire needle can no longer be used. When the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming and the small intestine meridian of hand Taiyang are in a hurry, the symptoms of mouth and eyes askew, corner of eyes in a hurry and blurred vision will appear. The above methods can be used in the treatment. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a10bdd7cecfdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693daef1026.html