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一、 将下列词组、术语译成英语

桂枝汤 Cinnamon Twig Decoction 麻黄汤 Ephedra Decoction 乌梅汤 Dark Plum Decoction黄连汤 Coptis Root Decoction 大黄甘草汤 Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction

枳实芍药散 Immature Bitter Orange and White Peony Powder 水气 edema 瘀血 blood stasis 黄疸 jaundice

痰饮 Phlegm-fluid retention disease;water-phlegm retention disease 浮脉 superficial pulse; floating pulse

营卫不和 disorder between Ying and WeiDisharmony between Ying and Wei 和解少阳 mediating shaoyang膀胱气化不利 dysfunction of urinary bladder 化气行水 activate the function of bladder, and promoting the diuresis

清热解毒 clearing heat and removing toxicity 回阳救逆 restoring yang to rescue collapse恶寒发热 aversion to cold with fever往来寒热 chill and fever alternation 二、


0 性味辛、热,归心、肺、脾、胃经

Dried Ginger Acrid in taste, hot in nature, and attributive to heart, lung, spleen and stomach channel

1 性味甘、微苦,温,归脾、肺、心经

Ginseng Sweet and slight bitter in taste, warm in nature, and attributive to spleen, lung and heart channels

2 性味咸、涩、微寒,归肝、肾经

Oyster Shell Salty and astringent in taste, slightly cold in nature, and attributive to liver and kidney channels

3 性味辛热,有毒,归心、肾、脾经

Prepared Aconite Root Acrid in taste, hot in nature, toxicity, and attributive to

heart, kidney and spleen channels 4 虚则热,阳虚则寒

Asthenia (or deficiency) of yin generates heat and asthenia (or deficiency) of yang produces cold. 5 怒伤肝,大喜伤心rage impairing liverexultation impairing heart 6 者,君主之官,神明出焉

The heart is the king (or monarch) organ responsible for the activity of thinking 7 诊者,察色按脉,先别阴阳

A skilled diagnostician should first differentiate between yin and yang when inspecting the complexion and feeling the pulse.

8 有水者,腰以下肿,当利小便,腰以上肿,当发汗乃愈

The master said: “Edema occurring below the lumbus should be treated with diuresis, wherease edema above the lumbus requires sweating.

“Diuresis shouls be used to edema occurring below the lumbus, and diaphoresis shouls be used to edema above the lumbus” the master said. 9 阳之为病,脉浮,头项强痛而恶寒

Taiyang disease is characterized by floating pulse, headache, stiff neck, and aversion to cold.
