langue and parole名词解释 Langue and Parole are two important concepts in linguistics. They are used to describe the relationship between language and its use. Langue is a French term used to refer to the grammar, vocabulary and structure of a language, while parole is a French term used to refer to the actual use of the language in speech or writing. By understanding these concepts, one can gain a better understanding of how language is used. Langue is the system of language, including all the general rules and the formal elements, such as pronunciation and syntax, that are used in communication. The elements of langue can be learnt through a standard educational process, such as through reading and instruction. Langue is universal and should not be confused with a particular language. For example, French langue consists of the pronunciation rules and structures used in French, regardless of the speaker’s native tongue. Langue is seen as the language as a system. It is the foundation from which parole is based. Parole is the actual use of language in communication, either spoken or written. It includes the use of the grammar and vocabulary of a language and is unique to the individual. Unlike langue, parole is not universal, as it is determined by the speaker’s particular regional or cultural background. The use of parole is determined by the individual’s variations in thinking, attributes, perception and intentions. In linguistics, the terms langue and parole are used to describe the relationship between language and its use. Langue is the system of language, while parole is the actual use of language in communication. Langue is universal, while parole is unique to the individual. Langue provides a common framework from which each speaker adapts the language to their own needs, based on their cultural background, lifestyle, and intentions. By understanding these concepts, one can gain a better understanding of how language is used and how people communicate with one another. 本文来源: