出行礼仪 1、行走礼仪 1走路的姿势是个人精神风貌的体现,正确的走姿为挺胸抬头,不驼背含胸,乱晃肩膀;目光要自然前视。 2两人并行时请年长者、女士和未成年人走在离机动车道较远的内侧;三人并行时,让尊者居中;前后行进时,应让尊者居前位。 3如遇行人问路时,要热情、详尽地回答对方。如若回答不了,可请别人帮忙。 4上楼梯时,男士应走在女士后面;下楼时则相反,男士应走在前面,以防万一女士跌倒时可以搀扶。 2、乘车礼仪 1在乘坐公共汽车时要排队候车,先下后上,上车后往里走,让妇女、老人、小孩和残疾人先上车并让座。不要将身体伸到车厢外或随意动车厢里的设施。保持车厢和站内的环境卫生,不能向窗外扔东西。此外,最好不要在车上打电话,如果有急事,打电话时要压低声音,以免影响他人。雨天,自备塑料袋来妥善放置所携雨具,以免影响他人。 2相对公交车和地铁而言,出租车更加快捷方便。您若选择出租车出行,请在路边招停。客人数量不满三人时,应坐在后排,且将右座留于尊者。上车时,年长者或女士先上;下车时,年轻者或男士先下。 3、乘电梯礼仪 乘坐电梯时的礼仪细节更显个人的文明程度。 1乘电梯时要讲究进出礼节。等候电梯时,应站在电梯门两侧,不要妨碍电梯内的人出来。电梯门打开时,应先让里面的人出来后再依次进入。如果是自动电梯,则应先让老人、小孩、女士或客人进入,年轻者、男士或主人应站在电梯按钮旁提供服务。 2当电梯关门时,不宜再强行挤入。当人数超载时,应主动退出;当自己的目的楼层快要到时,最好提前等候在电梯门旁,不要等电梯打开时,才匆忙出来。 英国 Don't cut into lines. "Queue jumping - this is the only crime that the population would consider bringing back capital punishment for." 不要插队:"插队是唯一能让英国人恨得希望恢复死刑的'罪行'。" Don't ask how much money someone makes: "Instead play a curious guessing game by asking someone what they do, where they live, where they went on holiday, and figure it out by correlating this with their accents." 不要问别人挣多少钱:"不过你可以玩好奇的猜谜游戏,问对方做什么工作、在哪里居住、到哪里度假,然后再根据对方口音综合判断出来。" Don't invite someone to your home: "Unless you know them very, very well." 不要邀请别人到你家做客:"除非你真的跟对方非!常!熟!" 印度 Don't kiss in public: "In some jurisdictions this will land you in jail for 'public obscenity' a lot of our laws are stuck in the Victorian era." 不要在公共场所接吻:"在有些地区,当众接吻会让你因'公众场所猥亵罪'坐牢我们有很多法律还处在维多利亚时代。" Don't make physical contact with the opposite sex: "Hugging and handshakes are still frowned upon in most parts of the country among members of opposite sex. Unless the local offers a hug or handshake, don't." 不要跟异性有肢体接触:"在印度大部分地区,人们仍然不太能接受异性之间拥抱和握手。除非当地人主动跟你拥抱或握手,否则千万别这样做。" 日本 Don't tip anyone: "Tipping is just not part of the culture. Don't even leave the small change. People will come running after you with it." 不要给人小费:"日本文化中没有小费这个概念。也不要留下零钱,不然日本人会追着还给你。" Don't wear your shoes in someone's house: "If you see other people taking their shoes off, do the same. Note: there's a small area right inside the entrance called a 'genkan' which is usually one level below the rest of the house, where you take off your shoes. You don't take them off outside the house!" 到别人家里不可以穿鞋:"如果你看到其他人脱鞋,那你也照做吧。"注意:一进门有一小块地方叫"玄关",通常比屋内其他地方要低一些,是用来脱鞋子的。不必在屋外脱鞋。 Don't hug people: "Most people don't like it, especially older folk." 不要拥抱别人:"大部分人都不喜欢拥抱,尤其是老人。" Don't stand on the wrong side of the escalator: "In Tokyo you stand on the left. In Osaka you stand on the right. Follow what other people are doing." 电梯上不要站错边:"在东京要站在电梯的左边,在大阪则站在右边。别人怎么做你就怎么做吧。" 俄国 Don't give an even number of flowers as a gift: "That's for dead folks. A proper bouquet will have 1/3/5/7 flowers." 不要送偶数的鲜花作为礼物:"那是送给死人的。1/3/5/7朵花的花束比较得体。" Don't rely on a credit card: "There are lots of places which only accept cash." 不要以为有信用卡就够了:"很多地方只接受现金。" Don't assume the people support everything the government does: "Quite often we don't. Don't criticize our government. We do it a lot by ourselves; we don't need your help." 不要自以为人们支持政府的一切言行:"很多时候并非如此。但也不要批评我们的政府。我们自己总这么做,你就别指手划脚啦。" 新加坡 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b1828ed0b72acfc789eb172ded630b1c58ee9b44.html