颐和园中英文简介 The Summer Palace in Brief 颐和园简介 The Summer Palace, dominated mainly by Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, covers an areaof 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is under water. Its 70,000 squ are meters ofbuilding space features a variety of palaces, gardens and other ancient-st yle architecturalstructures. Well known for its large and priceless collection of cultura l relics, it was among thefirst group of historical and cultural heritage sites in China to be placed under special state protection. 颐和园主景区由万寿山、昆明湖组成,全园占地2.9平方公里,水面约占四分之三。园内现存各式宫殿、园林古建7万平方米,并以珍贵的文物藏品闻名于世,是第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 The Summer Palace, originally named Qingyi Yuan or the Garden of Clear Ripples, w as firstconstructed in 1750. It was razed to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied For ces in 1860. The Government of the Qing Dynasty started to rebuild it in 1886 with fu nds that it hadmisappropriated from the Imperial Navy and other sources. Renamed t wo years later as YiheYuan or the Garden of Health and Harmony, it was supposed to serve as a summer resort forthe Empress Dowager Cixi. Known also as the Summer Palace, it was ravaged by the AlliedForces of the Eight Powers that invaded China in 1900. The damage was repaired in 1902. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Summer Palace has undergone severalmajor renovations. Its major attra ctions such as the Four Great Regions, Suzhou Street, thePavilion of Bright Scenery, t he Hall of Serenity, the Wenchang Galleries and the Plowing andWeaving Scenery Ar ea have been successively restored. 颐和园前身为清漪园,始建于清朝乾隆十五年(1750),咸丰十年(1860)被英法联军烧毁。光绪十二年(1886),清廷挪用海军经费等款项开始重建,并于两年后取用今名,作为慈禧太后的颐养之所。一九零零年又遭八国联军破坏,一九零二年修复。中华人民共和国成立后,几经修缮,颐和园陆续复建了四大部洲、苏州街、景明楼、澹宁堂、文昌院、耕织图等重要景区。 The Summer Palace is a monument to classical Chinese architecture, in terms of both garden design and construction. Borrowing scenes from surrounding landscapes, it rad iatesnot only the grandeur of an imperial garden but also the beauty of nature in a sea mlesscombination that best illustrates the guiding principle of traditional Chinese gard en design: “The works of men should match the works of Heaven”.In December 1998, UNESC O includedthe Summer Palace on its World Heritage List with the following comment s: 1) The SummerPalace in Beijing is an outstanding expression of the creative art of Ch inese landscapegarden design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole; 2) The Summer Palace epitomizes the philosophy and practice of Chinese garden desi gn, whichplayed a key role in the development of this cultural form throughout the ea st; 3) The imperialChinese garden, illustrated by the Summer Palace, is a potent symbol of one of the majorworld civilizations. 颐和园集传统造园艺术之大成,借景周围的山水环境,既有皇家园林恢弘富丽的气势,又充满了自然之趣,高度体现了中国园林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的造园准则。一九九八年十二月,颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》,并予以如下评价:1)北京的颐 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b1f171d84593daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996fd7.html