北师大版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Lesson 2 A Dangerous Job教案

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Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 2 A Dangerous Job



北师大版英语七年级下册Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 2 A Dangerous Job部分内容。


1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases

2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express 3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely 4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interest in English learning)

5.增强学生听说读写译的能力(To strengthen the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)

教学重点(Key Points)







课件、照片素材、音频文件、 教学道具。


Step1. Greeting


Warm-up Question

1What do you think a firefighter's job is like? (eg:Is it interesting?)

Key Words: boring, dangerous, difficult, easy, important, interesting, safe Step3.Presentation(呈现新课) 1.Words Learning!

1)老师放映课件,用中文询问同学看到了什么?同学们会看到课件上呈现的图画。 2)教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词。 2.Pronunciation Part!

1)老师介绍本单元重点单词读音及重点音标,带领同学大声朗读。 2)然后老师带领同学进行拓展学习,介绍一些该音标构成的其他单词。 3)巩固训练:

a.Listen and circle all the word with the:/ɜ:/sound. How many ways of spelling can you find? Miss Bird is a factory worker. She seldom goes home early in the evening. Today is Thursday and she goes home early. Why? Because its her fathers birthday! b.Listen again and read aloud. ...

3.Vocabulary Part!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. Then put the sentences in the correct order.

( ) a. We ______ lunch at school.

( ) b. I ______ my teeth and then ______ to bed at 22:00. My sister ______ to bed at 22:30. ...

4.Listening Part!

请听对话材料,完成书中所附听力练习! ...

5. Reading Part!


教师向同学解释对话内容,并让学生反复听读,学习模仿。 The Life of A Firefighter

Jim Robert is a firefighter in the US. He tells us about his life.

I live in a room with seven other firefighters. Every day we get up at 5:20 and then we tidy our room. It's boring, but we have to do it. At 6:00, training starts with team exercise. ...

6. Grammar Part!

1)教师引入本单元重点语法现象:一般现在时。 从概念,用法及构成角度,进行举例说明。 Use用法: 一般现在时表示:

经常发生或反复发生的动作。例如: He usually takes a walk after supper. 现在的情况或状况。例如: My father works in a bank. .

Form 形式:

当主语为第一人称、第二人称或者第三人称复数时,一般现代时的谓语动词用原形; ...

2)巩固训练: 完成所附习题。 7. Speaking Part!

Write some true or false sentences about your parents day. Then let your partner make a guess. ---My dad goes to bed at 12 oclock every night. ---False. ---Yes, its false. ...


Make conversations with your partners! 与你的同伴练习以上对话! Step5.Homework!

