
时间:2022-08-24 10:57:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

烟花又称花炮、烟火、焰火,汉族劳动人民发明较早,主要用于军事上,盛大的典礼或表演中,而现代全中国以及到全世界唯一能在同天同活动里施放烟花的活动则为跨年(除夕夜)活动。那么你知道烟花的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 烟花英语单词: fireworks 烟花的英语例句:


Safety glasses should be worn when setting off fireworks and sparklers.


I watched the fireworks display last night. 也有人认为它有害于燃放烟花。

Others consider it harmful to set off fireworks. 党波普尔是一种玩具烟花爆竹产品。

Party popper is a kind of toy fireworks product. 人们放鞭炮,看烟花。

They set off firecrackers and watch fireworks displays. 他们整夜的跳舞,欣赏烟花。

They danced and enjoyed fireworks all night long. 烟花照亮了夜空。

The firework illuminated the night sky. 受风速影响,原定烟花汇演被迫取消。

High winds forced the cancellation of the fireworks. 给出了几种模拟动态烟花的方法。

The paper gives a few methods of firework display dynamic simulating.


People set off fireworks and tooted their car horns. 现已96岁高龄的祖母比莉当时借给他100美元去开创自己第一宗生意。他在八年级时开了一个卖烟花的摊位。

Grandma Billye, who is now96 years old, loaned him$ 100 to start his first business, a fireworks stand he established in the8th grade.


Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair. 他点燃了烟花。 He ignited the fireworks. 解雇,掀起了新一轮的烟花。

That dismissal set off the new round of fireworks.

阿浓雾平息城市-减少威胁计划战斗机天桥和烟花汇演。 A heavy fog lay over the city threatening to diminish the planned fighter jet flyovers and fireworks display. 烟花爆竹企业安全监控预警系统研究

Research of safety monitoring system for fireworks and crackers enterprise


Ever since the prohibition against fireworks, burning incense and joss paper, scarcely have there been such violations. 首都欢迎成千上万的游客看演唱会,烟花表演。

The nation's capital is set to welcome thousands of visitors for a star-studded concert can fireworks to display.

像曼谷和香港这些亚太地区城市,也以烟花晚会迎接新年。 Other cities around Asia and the Pacific region celebrated with fireworks, such as Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.
