
时间:2022-09-02 09:07:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


AI’m so excited! We are finally here!Six Flags Magic Mountain! This is the best amusement park in the world!


BAlright, settle down now, you’re gonna give yourself a heart attack. 好的,平静下。这样你的心脏会受不了。

AI can’t believe they charged us 30 dollars each. It seems like a rip-off, don’t you think? It’s not like I’m gonna get on these rides.


BWhoa...Viper! That’s the world’s highest and fastest roller coaster! You go at more than miles per hour! I wanna go on that one! Can I momplease? Can I ?


AChris, I’m not sure you should get on that it seems a bit too much for you and we just had breakfast 30 minutes ago. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Chris,我不确定我们应该去坐过山车,我们刚刚吃过早饭,刚才又玩了别的,活动太多了。我认为那样做不好。

BAww, come on, mom! I can handle it. I promise I won’t ask for anything else! Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna throw up on anything... 来吧,妈妈。我能处理好。我发誓不再玩别的了。而且我也不会呕吐。 ALet him go,Carol, he’ll be fine. 让他去吧,Carol,他会没事的。

BAlright! Yeah! This is amazing! See how high up we’re going? 太刺激了。看看我们要去多高? 二我可以让你搭我的车

AI know you're sleepy and I hate to bother you, but I think you're late for work.

我知道你很困,不过很抱歉,我想你要迟到了。 BOh, no. I forgot to turn the alarm clock on! 糟了!我忘了定闹钟!

ADon't worry. I can give you a lift. 别急,我可以让你搭我的车。 BThank you. You save me. 谢谢你。你救了我一命

