磁共振内耳三维重建在Ⅱ型Waardenburg综合征患者中的应用 齐佳;邱建新;余德志 【期刊名称】《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 【年(卷),期】2012(20)2 【摘 要】Objective To study nuclear magnetic resonance three - dimensional reconstruction of inner car in patients with Waardcnburg syndrome type II. Methods Cranium nuclear magnetic resonance three-dimensional reconstruction of inner car has been performed in 6 cases with Waardcnburg syndrome type IT in our department from 2008 to 2011. Results Cranium nuclear magnetic resonance in all these 5 cases with Waardcnburg syndrome type U reflect specificity, four of them the inner car show anomaly, and one of them displays anomai - signal at second ventricle of cerebrum, the electrodes were totally inserted into the cochlea successfully. The sense of hearing and spoken language were improved obviously. Conclusion Prcopcrativc nuclear magnetic resonance three-dimensional reconstruction of inner car have sense of guidance in cochlcar implantation.%目的 探讨磁共振内耳三维重建在Ⅱ型Waardenburg综合征中的应用.方法 回顾性分析2008~2011年期间行人工耳蜗植入术的6例Ⅱ型Waardenburg综合征患儿术前磁共振内耳三维重建影像学检查结果,观察内耳的发育情况及人工耳蜗植入效果.结果 2例内耳无明显异常,4例有半规管畸形,3例有耳蜗畸形,术中均顺利植入全部电极,术后均顺利开机,听觉和言语水平明显提高.结论 术前磁共振内耳三维重建影像学检查可清晰显示Ⅱ型Waardenburg患者的前庭、半规管及耳蜗情况,为内耳畸形特别是耳蜗畸形患者的人工耳蜗植入手术提供指导. 【总页数】3页(P116-118) 【作 者】齐佳;邱建新;余德志 【作者单位】安徽医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,合肥,230001;安徽医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,合肥,230001;安徽医科大学第一附属医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,合肥,230001 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】R764.7+3 【相关文献】 1.磁共振内耳成像在先天性内耳发育畸形中的诊断应用 [J], 何来昌;王进华;龚洪翰;曾献军;姜建 2.磁共振内耳成像在儿童大前庭导水管综合征中的应用 [J], 孙惠苗 3.Waardenburg综合征Ⅱ型患者MITF基因突变分析 [J], 陈静;袁慧军;杨淑芝;刘军;韩冰;王国建;张昕;康东洋;戴朴;杨伟炎 4.PAX3基因突变相关Waardenburg综合征家系及散发患者基因型与表型特征分析 [J], 李进; 关静; 张静; 谢林怡; 熊芬; 兰兰; 王秋菊 5.三维水平集智能分割算法在梅尼埃病患者内耳道磁共振图像分割中的应用效果 [J], 滕腾;陀芳;葛洪洲 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c07a18012d3f5727a5e9856a561252d380eb20c8.html