剖宫产预防用抗菌药物现状分析 杨彩华;蔡晶;郑萍 【期刊名称】《科技视界》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)012 【摘 要】剖宫产是解决难产和许多产科难题,挽救产妇和围产儿的有效手段。术后感染是最常见并发症,并发感染的代价很高,围术期预防性抗菌药物的正确使用有助于降低术后感染率,减少产儿死亡。针对剖宫产预防用抗菌药物的选择、给药时机(切皮前或结扎脐带后)、给药时程,对新生儿的影响以及我国预防用抗菌药物使用现状,综述国内外用药指南及大量研究数据,以期为临床医师提供示范性指导及丰富的理论参考数据,促进临床合理用药。%Cesarean section, which is an predominant method to resolve obstetric problems, playing an important role in saving lives of maternal and perinatal. Postoperative infection is the most common complication with high price. Reasonable application of antibacterials during perioperative period can decrease the rates of postoperative infection and perinatal death. Base on international guidelines and previous research data, this review focus on major subjects about the status of antibacterials application in China, such as how to choose appropriate preventative antibacterial, determine the exact program and timing of administration (before skin incision or after the umbilical cord ligation), and anticipate the subsequent adverse effects on newborns during perioperative period. Understanding the efficacy and complication of antibacterials prophylaxis for cesarean section during perioperative period will provide substantial administrate reference for the therapeutic application and establish the guidelines for clinical observation. 【总页数】3页(P302-304) 【作 者】杨彩华;蔡晶;郑萍 【作者单位】南方医科大学南方医院 药学部,广东 广州 510515;南方医科大学南方医院 药学部,广东 广州 510515;南方医科大学南方医院 药学部,广东 广州 510515 【正文语种】中 文 【相关文献】 1.我院抗菌药物专项整治前后剖宫产预防用抗菌药物使用分析 [J], 孙倩;修冰玉 2.抗菌药物专项整治前后我院剖宫产手术预防使用抗菌药物情况分析 [J], 钟天文;陈涛;欧忠顺 3.调整剖宫产术围术期抗菌药物预防用药时机的临床效果分析 [J], 雷露雯;林敏婷;肖洒 4.1179例剖宫产预防感染抗菌药物使用分析 [J], 肖文秀;万隽;王凌嵩 5.剖宫产预防用抗菌药物药学临床路径的建立及实施效果评价 [J], 杨书程;张瑞琴;梅玲 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c434844813a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7275c77e.html