
时间:2023-08-11 05:34:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Please tickle for following questions 1.Whether you own a car? A.Yes B.No

2.If you plan to buy the first car or replace a new car? A.Yes B.No

3.Can you receive a loan to buy a car? A.Yes B.No

4.You are ready to buy what kind of brand?

A.Import brand B.Domestic independent brands C.A joint venture brands

5.The main purpose of buying a car?

A.Household B.Work C.Status symbol D.Business use

6.The purchase of the main reference factors?(There could be more than one answer)

A.Safety B.Shape C.Fuel consumption D.Interior design E.Handling F.Power performance G.After-sale service H.Environmental protection I..Others

7.Which color do you like best?

A.Red B.B.White C.Black D.Silver E.Other

8.What is your ideal car buying price?(Ten thousand)

A.50-100B.100-150C.150-200D.200-300E.more than300 9.What channels help you know the auto related information? A.Recommendation of a friend B.Internet C.Television advertising D.Brand stores

10.What is your biggest worry after buying a car?

A.The quality of the car B.After-sale service C.Safety D.Other Automotive customer service satisfaction survey 11.What is your's car brand?

A.Japanese B.Europeans C.American D.Homemade

12.What is the product customer service overall impression? A.Very satisfied B.Satisfied C.No feeling D.Dissatisfied 13.Which point do you not satisfied?

A.Repair quality B.Service attitude C.Price D.Parts quality E.Delivery time

14.Do you often received maintenance phone? A.Often B.Seldom C.Never

15.If there is the same fault repeatedly repair situation? A.Yes B.No Respondents data: 1.What is your gender? A.Male B.Female

2.What's your occupation?
