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1. 你认为骑自行车去上班怎么样?

What do you think of to work? 2. 你们什么时候从澳大利亚回来的?

When did you from Australia? 3. 今天下午你们能完成那个数学课题吗?

Can you the math project this afternoon? 4. 如果你想加入我们,请你给我打电话。

Please call me if you want to . 5. 她每天做家务需要一个小时。

her one hour to do housework every day. 6. Tom打算后天动身去上海。

Toms Shanghai the day after tomorrow. 7. 我们在机场不期而遇。

We met at the airport . 8. Kate 不想让她的父母失望。

Kate doesnt want to her parents . 9. 从下周开始,我们每周休息一天。

From next week on, we will a day every week. 10. 操场上一点有很多男孩在踢足球。

There be many boys soccer on the playground. 11. 我喜欢能跟着唱的音乐。

I like music that I can with. 12. 我们经常在一起讨论数学问题。

We often to discuss math problems. 13. 我们应该远离污染保持健康。

We stay away from pollution and . 14. 你现在必须休息几分钟。

Now you must it for a few minutes. 15. 通常情况下,你应当先将重要的东西打包。

, you should pack the important things first. 16. 我们正在考虑去北京工作。

We are in Beijing.

17. 上周的英语考试没有及格,所以他决定把精力集中在英语上。 He failed last weeks English exam, so he decided to English. 18. 他父母对他要求非常严格。

His parents are very him. 19. 关于如何学好英语,我采纳了两条建议。

I two pieces of on how to learn English well. 20. 格林先生已经去纽约了,他现在在度假。

Mr. Green has gone to New York. He is on vacation . 21. 很抱歉让你等了一个多小时。

Im very sorry to have you for over an hour. 22. 多亏了你的帮忙,我们才按时完成了工作。

your help, we finished the work on time. 23. 我们很早出发,以便能赶上早班公共汽车。

We started early we could catch the early bus. 24. 红灯亮时不要过马路。

the street when the traffic light is red. 25. Tom,轮到你给花园的花浇水了。

Its to water the flowers in the garden, Tom. 26. 那个男孩个子太矮,够不着桌上的苹果。

The boy is short catch the apple on the table. 27. 如果我是你,我会把药藏到孩子们找不到的地方。 If I you, I would medicine from children. 28. 郭敬明的新书何时出版?

When will Guo Jingmings new book ? 29. 跟他的朋友不一样,他从不放弃希望。

Unlike his friends, he never hope. 30. 非常感谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。

a lot for me to your birthday party. 31. 他发现数学考试及格有点难。

He it a little hard to the math exam. 32. 约翰盼望着收到澳大利亚笔友的信。

John is forward to from his penpal in Australia. 33. 你介意我开窗吗?

Would you my the windows? 34. 这里的天气不太冷也不太热。

The weather here is too cold too hot. 35. 不是你对就是我对。

you I am correct. 36. 他们已经给许多穷人提供食物。

They have food many poor people. 37. 你能在架子上找到多少双鞋子?

How many of can you find on the shelves? 38. 我碰见的那个男孩使我想起了我的弟弟。 The boy I met me my brother. 39. 他宁愿去学校也不愿呆在家里。

He go to school than stay at home. 40. 那个人很生气并拒绝提供任何东西给他们。

The man angry and refused to anything to them. 41. 即便他得了重感,但他继续工作。

he had a bad cold, he went on working. 42. Lin Tao告诉我他将以后拜访我。

Lin Tao told me that he would visit me . 43. 我认为对小孩来说熬夜是一个坏习惯。

I think its a bad habit for children to . 44. 我们能够在字典里查生词。

We can new words in the dictionary. 45. 你能想出其他的办法解决这个问题吗?

Can you with other ways to solve the problem? 46. 我不想让我的父母失望。

I dont want to my parents . 47. 他去睡觉并马上睡着了。

He went to bed and soon.

48. 每个人在生活中都可能犯错误,所以我们应该给他机会。 Everyone may in life, so we should give him a chance. 49. 你的围巾很时髦,我也想每一条。

Your scarf is and I also want to buy one. 50. 去年那个美国女孩来到中国时就爱上了北京。

The American girl in with Beijing when she came to China last year.

51. 当我们一起在外面吃饭时,我通常要Li Lei付账。 I usually asks Li Lei to the meals when we eat out. 52. 请关好窗户不让烟进入。

Please close the window to the smoke. 53. Ellen捡起了地上的钱包,把它交过了老师。

Ellen the wallet on the ground and gave it to the teacher. 54. Ann每天做家务,比如洗衣服。

Ann every day, such as washing clothes. 55. Jack 你能帮我倒垃圾吗?

Could you help me the trash, Jack? 56. 在夏天,宜昌听起来像一个旅游的好地方。

Yichang a good place to travel in summer. 57. 今天早上你为什么和他争吵?

Why did you him this morning? 58. 经过多年的努力,他的梦想终于实现了。

After many years hard work, his dream finally. 59. Jim的叔叔过去靠卖花为生。

Jims uncle used to a by selling flowers. 60. 你和你的同学相处得怎样?

How are you along your classmates? 61. Lily父母叫她晚上不要在外面呆得很晚。

Lilys parents tell her not to late at night. 62. 格林一家打算搬到安静的地方去。

The Greens are moving . 63. Tom 喜欢在业余时间听音乐。

Tom to music in his free time. 64. 至于家庭作业,大部分小孩每天做。

homework, most children do it every day. 65. 那位老太太依靠她的女儿。

The old woman her daughter. 66. Jim有时在回家的路上顺便拜访我家。

Jim sometimes to my house on his way home. 67. 哈尔滨的冬天比北京冷。

In winter, its in Harbin in Beijing.

68. 这幢房子对我们来说不够大。

The house isnt for us. 69. 我不能出去玩,我得做作业。

I cant go out to play, I have to my homework. 70. 尽管那位老人独自生活,但并不感到孤独。

The old man doesnt feel though he lives . 71. 母亲忙于给儿子穿衣。

The mother is her son. 72. 你认为50年后我们的生活将会怎么样?

What do you think our life will in fifty years? 73. 孩子应该对老人有礼貌。

Children should to the old.

74. 父母不应该把自己的孩子与其他的孩子进行比较。 Parents shouldnt their children with . 75. Julia 经常帮我学英语。

Julia often me my English. 76. 他有一些问题,但我肯定他能克服它们。

He has some problems, but Im sure he is able to them. 77. 我的小弟弟整天到处跟着奶奶。

My little brother my grandma all day. 78. 他来看我时,我会告诉他这件事。

I will him about it when he to see me. 79. 如果你把猫带到教室,老师不会让你进来的。

If you bring your cat to the classroom, the teacher wont you . 80. 今日事,今日毕。

Never till tomorrow what you can do today. 81. 那个小女孩差不多每个地方都像她母亲。

The little girl her mother almost in everything. 82. 英语课上,我们常被分成六个小组。

We are usually six groups in English class. 83. 为了使她高兴,我打算带她去看电影。

Im going to take her to see a movie to her . 84. 你必须让你的朋友觉得像在家里一样。

You must your friends at home. 85. 我想尽力帮你适应新工作。

I want to try my best to help you in your new job. 86. 我们可以在海滩上散步度过几小时的快乐时光。 We can some happy hours on the beach. 87. 这件大衣应该能御寒。

The coat should be able to the cold. 88. 当听到这个消息时,我心中充满了喜悦。

I was with when I heard the news. 89. 你让我去巴黎观光变成了可能。

You it for me to visit Paris. 90. 我想这些书不久就会售完。 I think these books will be . 113. 请尽快回来。

91. 他们结婚三个月了。

Please come back as as . They have for three months. 114. 你可以去找马老师帮忙。

92. Bill从不害怕独自一人在家。

You could go to Mr. Ma and help. Bill has never been afraid of at home. 115. 三年前格林一家人搬到了上海。

93. Gina晚上总是开着灯睡觉。

The Greens Shanghai three years ago. Gina always sleeps the lights at night. 116. 买那本书花了我十元钱。

94. 有梦想非常重要,坚持梦想,总有一天会实现的。

It me ten yuan to the book. Its very important to dream, to your 117. Tom 十岁时开始学汉语。

dreams, they may come true one day.

Tom learning Chinese at the of ten. 95. 我想保持健康,但说实话,我只吃那些好吃的食品。 118. 昨天Jim的祖父住院了。

I like to stay healthy, but to be honest, I only eat food that . Yesterday Jims grandfather was . 96. John有很多家规,Peter也是这样。

119. 那天天气如何?

John has a lot of family rules. Peter. was the weather that day? 97. Miss Gao 在英语教学方面经验丰富。

120. 夏威夷因美丽的海滩而闻名。

Miss Gao has much in English. Hawaii is its beautiful beaches. 98. 那个小女孩第一次来北京迷路了。

121. 看起来要下雨了,请带伞。

The little came to Beijing for the first time and . Its going to rain. Please an umbrella you. 99. 当她看书时,她喜欢做笔记。

122. 可不可以跟我们讲讲有趣的事。--好的。

She likes while shes doing some reading. --Could you please tell us ? OK. 100. Tom不喜欢吃面条,Jack也不喜欢。

123. 现在没人同意我的看法。

Tom doesnt like eating noodles. Jack. No one my idea now. 101. 我看见警察沿着马路走过来。

124. 到吃午饭的时候了。

I saw the policeman the road. Its time lunch. 102. 我患了重感,不想吃东西。

125. 他们不允许在这里吸烟。

I caught a bad cold and dont eating . They dont here. 103. 我用了20分钟浏览了晨报。

126. 别吵了。

I spent twenty minutes the morning paper. a noise. 104. 你应该注意上床睡觉前不要吃东西。

127. Lucy 经常给父母写信。

You should not to eat anything before going to bed. Lucy often her parents. 105. 请你把火熄灭好吗?

128. 请搞清楚我们的火车何时到。

Could you please the fire? Please when our train will arrive. 106. 他们正在设法控制大米的价格。

129. 现在越来越多的人喜欢步行上班。

They are trying to the price of rice. Now more and more people like going to work . 107. 他把身上大部分钱都给了那个可怜的老人。

130. 在国庆节,成千上万的人去天安门广场看升国旗。

He most of his money to the poor old man. On National Day, people go to 108. 他们对英语很感兴趣。

Tianammen Square and watch the national flag go up. They more interest English.

109. 为了赶上比人,他总是努力学习。

He always studies hard to catch others. 110. TomJim擅长游泳。

Tom is than Jim swimming. 111.你应该给他打电话。

You should him . 112. 电影已经放了四个小时。

The film has for four hours.
