【人教版】九年级英语精选题:Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes写作小专题

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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

单元写作小专题& Section B(3a3b)



1.能用“①have to/must(not)…②can/can't… ③be allowed to do/allow sb.(not)to do sth.”等句型描述规则;

2“①I think/believe that I should be allowed…②In my opinion/view,they should allow me to do…③I think it is unfair to…④I agree/disagree that… ⑤That's why/because…”等句型表达观点与理由;

3.写作微技能:连接词的用法。能用“what's more,howeveron the one handon the other handto be honest”等连接上下文,使文章更加流畅、更富有逻辑。


()Describe rules for teenagers:根句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1Teenagers are not allowed(允许) to smoke(吸烟) 2Eighteenyearolds can't get their drivers' licenses

3We teenagers can't wear earrings(耳环) 4We must not take photos. It's not allowed in the museum.

5Xiaoming has to clean his bedroom every day. 6Parents and teachers allow(允许) teenagers to do social work for their communities(社区) ()Describe opinions and reasons:根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成下列句子。注意不同的句型表达。 1.—I don't agree that teenagers should have their own hobbies because hobbies can get in the way of their school work. They need to spend more time on their homework.

I disagree with you. In my opinionI think parents should support() their children's dreams. That's because dreams can make children work hard and full of energy.

2Most parents believe that their children should be educated(教育) to take care of themselves from a young age.

I agree.It's very important to get a good education(教育) when kids are young.

3.—I don't think sixteenyearolds(十六岁的

孩子)should be allowed to drive because they aren't


I agree.To be honestI'm worried about their safety(安全) 4In my viewteenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.

It might be true.But I think they are too young tto make right decisions.

()请从方框中选择合适的“linking words”完成短文,使短文更流畅、更符合逻辑。

what's more,so…that…,to be honesthowever what's worsein my opinion,not only…but also…,all in all

There are many school rules in our school. For examplewe have to get to school early in the morning.I don't agree with that because it's so early that we don't have enough sleep. What's__morewe can't take mobile phones to school. If we doour teachers will be angry and take our mobile phones away. In__my__opinionwe should be allowed to do that. Mobile phones now are very useful.We can use them not__only to communicate with parents and friends in time but__also to search for information on the Internet. They bring us many conveniences. What's__worsewe have to take extra classes on weekends.To__be__honesttaking extra classes doesn't work very well.Howeverwe are allowed to do sports after school.I believe that doing sports can make our school life colorful and help us keep fitAnd our teachers also allow us to listen to music after class.I agree with that because it's relaxing to listen to music after class and that can help us pay more attention to what the teachers say in class.

All__in__allschool rules are good for us teenagersbut some are too strict.I think some of them should be changed.


你的父母平时对你在生活上、学习上有什么规定?请你以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇120词左右的英语短文介绍你的家规并表达你的看法。家规至少3



1.你赞同的家规及理由。 2.你不赞同的家规及理由。

My Family Rules

There__are__many__rules__in__my__family. I__like__some__rules__because__they__are__helpful.For__exampleI__have__to__clean__my__bedroom__every__day.On__the__one__handchildren__should__be__educated__to__take__care__of__themselves__from__a__young__age.On__the__other__handit__is__comfortable__and__relaxing__for__us__to__sleep__in__a__clean__bedroom.


