
时间:2022-04-21 01:50:05 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Lesson 13Hows the Weather Today?

丰润区岔河中心小学 张长红 Analysis of teaching material:

本课是冀教版小学英语第四册《Lesson 13How’s the Weather Today?。本课共分为两部分:第一部分是以天气词汇“sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy” 主要内容的图片教学;第二部分是以询问天气 “How’s the weather today? It is….”为主的对话式篇章教学。 Analysis of students:

此年龄段的学生活泼好动、求知欲强,如果教师采用灵活的教学方式、借助不同的教学媒体并尽量模拟和创设对话情景,就能激发学生的兴趣和学习热情。何况这些表示天气的四会单词以及询问天气的句型在第三册英语中已经学习过了,虽然不是作为四会单词学习的,但学生们也会有些印象的;其次,学生们在学习此课之前,已经学习了与这些表示天气词汇相关的名词“sun, cloud, rain, snow, wind”,所以,学好本课绝对不成问题。 Teaching Aims:

1. 知识与技能:本课主要讨论天气状况。使学生能听、说、读、写和正确运用词汇 cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 及本课的句子: How’s the weather today ? It’s_____ .使学生能在真实的情境中灵活运用句型How’s the weather today ? It’s_____.

2. 能力目标:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法,在日常生活中正确使用所学到的句式。 3. 情感目标:使学生在师生、生生交流,以及小组合作完成任务的过程中,激发学英语的兴趣,培养综合运用语言的能力。感知大自然美丽的四季和千变万化的天气,了解相关知识,保护环境。 Difficult and important points;

重点:使学生能听、说、读、写和正确运用词汇cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy; 及句子:How’s the weather today ? It’s_____.

难点:使学生在真实的情境中灵活运用句型How’s the weather today ? It’s_____.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1: Greeting and revision

1.Greet the students with everyday English 2. Introduce myself.

3. Listen to a song about month.

4. Show cards about month and days of the week and ask students to read it loudly. What day is it today? March 15.(将当天的日历贴在黑板右上角)

5. Revise what we have in Lesson 12. How is the weather today? It is . Step2: Presentation

1. Hows the weather today? Teach the new word about weather according to the weather outside.

It is ______. It is a ______ day.(sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy)

2, Remember to teach the new words in the sentence. And try to ask students to repeat it in a full sentence.

3. Make students to read the sentence in different ways.(individually , pair work, groups, boys group , girls group or team by team) Step 3: Practice

1. Make students to read the vocabulary cards together then have a quick response. ( First, show the cards that has English words on it, then Chinese)

2. Show pictures about weather that have no words on them, and ask students to put it on the right place.

3. Can you point to the rainy day? The other day. Step 4: Presentation

1. These are Miss Zhang and Li Ming. What are they talking about.. Lets listen. Watch the video and choose the right answer

2. Students choose the answers and then read the text loudly. 3. Practice in pairs and act it out. Step 5: Consolidation

1. Boys and girls, do you know the weather in other cities?

2 .We wear different clothes for different weather. Revise names of the clothes.

3.Extention for this part. Pair work;

How is the weather in______? It is _______. What do you wear? I wear _______.

Step 6: Homework: 调查一周的天气情况并记录。

How is the weather in_______? Its ___________.What do you wear? I wear _______.

Step 6: Homework :



March 15

