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Module 1 Life in the future

一、 单词讲解

1.brick n. v. 用砖堵住(洞口) brick in/up 用砖堵住 2.concrete n. 混凝土

adj. 1)混凝土制的 This house is concrete.

2)确实的,具体的 concrete evidence 确凿的证据

3.mud n. egThe car wheels got stuck in the mud. muddy adj.多泥的;泥泞的 muddy water泥水

4.for sure=surely;certainly 肯定地 EgHe will be here for sure within an hour. 辨析:surecertain

1sure后接that从句时,主语必须是人;而certain后接that从句时,主语既是人,又可以是it is certain that

句型。①I am sure/certain that he will win. 我确信他会赢。 It is certain that he will win.


Its sure/certain to rain tomorrow.明天肯定要下雨。 3sure的语气没有certain强。

I’m certain that the meal was too expensive.我敢肯定这顿饭太贵了。(毫无疑问) I’m sure that the meal was too expensive.我确信这顿饭太贵了。 【注】答语表示“当然”时,可用certainlysuresurely 5.prediction n)预言,预测,预告

v. predict 预言;预报 sth is predicted to do 某事被预测 it is predicted that 据预报

predict后接从句 egIt is impossible to predict what will happen. Adj. Predictable 可预见的,可预料的。 Predictive 预言性的,前兆的

6.risky危险的,冒险的 a risky business 冒险生意

n. risk 危险 at risk 冒风险 at the risk of doing sth冒着做某事的风险 take a risk/risks冒险

v.冒险,后常接名词、代词和动名词。 They knew the risked being arrested.他们知道他们冒着被捕的危险。 7. resource(常作复数)资源;财力。

Eg: We must make the most efficient use of our resources. 我们必须最有效地利用我们的资源。 Resourcesource的区别: source表示“来源;出处” the source of knowledge知识的源泉 8.rely on

1)依靠 As babies, we rely entirely on others for food. 2)信任;信赖 You should rely on your own judgement. 固定用法:rely on sth/doing sth 依靠/指望某事/做某事 rely on sb to do sth依靠/指望某人做某事 9. run out(某物)用完;不多了;没有了 辨析run outrun out of

1run out用完了,为不及物动词短语,不能接宾语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。 His money sonn ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。

2run out of 用完了。为及物动词短语,可接宾语,表示主动含义,主语一般是人。 He is always running out of money before payday. 【注】run out of 还有“从···流出/跑出”的意思;run out也有“流出”的意思,但其后无宾语。 10.fire

V1)开火,启动 The officer ordered his men to fire.

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2)点燃,燃烧 Its difficult to fire wet paper.

3)解雇;开除 The company fired him for his not coming to work on time.

n. play with fire 玩火 be on fire 着火(表示状态) catch fire着火(表示动作) set fire to 放火烧··· put out the fire扑灭火 11. limit

n. (常作复数)范围;限制;限定

v. 限制;限定 limit sth to 使(某事)存在(或发生)于··· eg: Violent crime is not limited to big cities. 12.command n. 命令;指令 v. 发出命令 【注】无论command做动词还是名词,后接that从句时,谓语动词通常用should+动词原形”或者省略should EgHe commanded that his men should get there before dark. 13.charge费用;价钱 egDelivery is free of charge. in charge of 负责,掌管 in the charge of 被···管理 14.power

v. 供给动力 egThe aircraft is powered by a jet engine. Power sth up给某物供电;使(机器)启动 n. 权力,控制力,能力 come into/to power上台,当权 15. switch

n. an on-off switch 一个通断开关

v.交换;调换 egI cant work next weekend.Can you switch with me? 辨析:switch on, switch off, switch over 1switch on打开(机器,电灯等)

EgPlease switch the lights on as you come in. 2switch off关掉(电灯等);不考虑;觉得乏味

EgWe switched off the TV halfway through the programme.节目播到中间我们就关了电视。 When I hear te word football, I switch off. 我一听见“足球”两个字就觉得乏味。 3switch over调换

EgI switch my radio programme over. 我把广播节目换了台。


1. Bricks are often used to build walls. (1)be used to do 被用来做···=be used for doing sth (2)be used to doing 习惯于做···,相当于be used to sth.

(3)used to do sth过去常常做某事 反意疑问句:usednt you?/didnt you? (4)There used to be 过去有···egThere used to be a tree here.这儿原来有棵树。 2. Discuss what materials your school is made of/from (1)be made of 由···制成(可看出原材料) (2)be made from 由···制成(看不出原材料) (3)be made out of 用···制成,被改制成··· eg:Her skirt is made out of some old curtains.


(4) be made into 被做成··· (5)be made in 产于(某地) (6)be made up of 由···组成

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