
时间:2022-03-20 10:11:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Studying for an exam while listening to music is not smart, because

background music can impairyour ability to perform memory tasks, new research has found.


Study participants were asked to recall a list of eight consonants in the order they were presented. They did this while in five different sound environments: quiet surroundings; music they

liked; music they disliked; changing state a sequence of random digits; and steady state a sequence of steadydigits such as “3, 3, 3, 3”.

参与调查者听到8 个辅音字母,他们必须按照播放顺序进行复述。他们听的时候,分别处在5 种不同的背景声音中:安静环境、喜欢的背景音乐、不喜欢的背景音乐、数字不断变化的响声,数字不变的响声例如:3333

The participants’ recall ability was poorest when listening to music, regardless of whether they liked or disliked it, and in changing-state conditions. The most accurate recall occurred when

participants performed the task in steady-state environments, according to the study published online in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology. 结果显示,无论他们喜欢还是不喜欢背景音乐,在播放音乐和数字不断变化的声音环境里,被调查者的记忆力都最差。该研究发现刊登在《应用认知心理学》上,研究指出人在安静环境下记忆力最好。

“ The poorer performance of the music and changing-state sounds are due to the acousticalvariation within those environments. This impairs the ability to recall the order of items, via

rehearsal, within the presented list, ” explained lead researcher Nick Perham, a lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Wales Institute in Cardiff, in a news release from the journal’s publisher.


“Mental arithmetic also requires the ability to retain order information in the short-term viarehearsal, and may be similarly affected by their performance in the presence of changing-state, background environments,” he added.


When performing a challenging mental task, do it in silence, Perham recommended.

珀罕建议人们应该找一个安静的环境来完成一项具有挑战性的脑力劳动。 考研英语阅读美文:神奇水

A brain chemical dubbed ‘ the hormone of love ’could encourage

wallflowers to become more outgoing at social gatherings, a study shows. Now researchers have found it improves the social

skills of the shy-but has little effect on those who are naturally confident. The finding could have implications for those with severe social deficiencies, often apparent in conditions like autism.

一种名叫“爱情荷尔蒙”的大脑刺激药品能够帮助害羞的人在社交场合“畅所欲言”。研究者发现,这个药品改进了害羞的人的社交技巧,但是对那些“天生自信”的人却“收效甚微”。研究发现,药品对那些患有严重的社交缺陷的人疗效明显,比如:自闭症患者。 They conducted a test of 27 healthy adult men, giving them the hormone or a placebo via a nasalspray and then asking them to perform an‘empathetic accuracy task’. This involved watching

others discussing emotional moments in their lives, then rating how they felt those people were feeling. The scientists, whose research is published in Psychological Science, also measured the

participants’ social competency, using a test known as AQ which is usually used in autistic patients.

研究邀请了27 名健康男性,对他们进行了针对性测试。用喷雾给他们“注射”荷尔蒙,进而观察在“强调准确性”的任务中的表现。他们观察别人谈论生活中激动人心的时刻,实验再对他们就他人身上发生的事情的感受能力打分。研究还对参与者的“社会能力”进行了测试,测试中囊括了一种叫做“逆境商数”AQ的测验。这种测验通常用来测试自闭症患者。

The more socially comfortable participants performed well on the empathetic accuracy task regardless of whether they were on oxytocin or placebo, but less socially proficient participants

performed significantly better on oxytocin, with their empathetic

accuracy performance identical to that of the socially proficient participants. Prof Jennifer Bartz, of the Mount Sinai School

of Medicine, said: “Oxytocin is widely believed to make all people more empathic and understanding of others. Our study contradicts that. Instead, oxytocin appears to be helpful only for those

who are less socially proficient. Our data show that oxytocin selectively improves social cognition in people who are less socially proficient, but had little impact on more socially proficient individuals.”


