【历史人文词汇】history and human culture: 春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period;王朝 dynasty;清朝帝王 Qing emperors;慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi;祭祀 offer sacrifices;君主monarch;皇妃 imperial concubine;丞相 prime minister;太监 court eunuch;古装 ancient costume 【24节气】(上)立春 the Beginning of Spring;雨水 Rain Water;惊蛰 the Waking of Insects;春分 the Spring Equinox;清明 Pure Brightness;谷雨 Grain Rain;立夏 the Beginning of Summer;小满 Grain Full;芒种 Grain in Ear;夏至 the Summer Solstice小暑 Slight Heat; 【文房四宝】笔 the writing brush;墨 the ink stick;纸 the paper (Xuan paper);砚 the inkstone 【书法】篆书 seal script/character;隶书 official/clerical script;楷书 regular/ standard script;行书 running script;草书 cursive script via;【书法】中国书法 Chinese calligraphy;文房四宝 Four Treasures of the Study;画毡 desk pad,镇石 paperweight;印章 seal;印泥 seal paste 【古建筑词汇】宫palace ※ 殿 hall ※ 亭 pavilion ※ 台 platform tower ※ 楼 building tower ※ 阁 tower attic ※ 刹 temple ※ 坛 the temple of the heaven ※ 龛 shrine ※ 廊 carible ※ 斋 study ※ 轩 veranda ※ 鼓楼 drum tower 【汉字笔画的英文表达】点——dot;横——horizontal;竖——vertical;提——rise或rising;捺——press down或right-falling;撇——throw away或left-falling;折——break或turning;钩——hook;弯——bend ;撇——slant (转) 【英语中的汉语借词】Mandarin普通话;Zen禅;feng shui风水;yin yang阴阳;tai chi太极;Taoism道;kongfu功夫;kowtow叩头;mahjong麻将;tofu豆腐;lychee荔枝;longan龙眼;chop-suey杂碎;wonton馄饨;sampan舢板;typhoon台风;china瓷;silk丝绸;Shangrila世外桃源 【古典小说】《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio,《金瓶梅》The Plum in the Golden Vase,《封神演义》 The Investiture of the Gods, 《醒世姻缘传》The Story of a Marital Fate to Awaken the World, 《儒林外史》The Scholars,《东周列国志》The Romance of the Eastern Zhou《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Chamber 、The Story of the Stone;《三国演义》 Romance of the Three Kingdoms; 《水浒传》 Water Margins、All Men Are Brothers、Men of the Marshes;《西游记》 Journey to the West 【国外节日 】休斯顿热气球节 Ballunar Liftoff Festival Of Houston;荷兰花卉节 Holland Flowers Festival;冰棍节 Popsicle Day;西藏燃灯节 Lighting Festival;旧金山吉尔罗伊大蒜节 Gilroy Garlic Festival;英国舞蹈伞节 Dance Umbrella Festival;澳大利亚羊节 Sheep's Festival;节礼日 Boxing Day;红牛车队亮相古德伍德速度节 Goodwood Festival of Speed;美国驼鸟节 Ostrich Festival ;加拿大马赛克节 Mosaic Festival;摩登天空音乐节 Modern Sky Festival; 美国植树节 Arbor Day;光棍节 Bachelor's Festival;攀冰节 Ice Climbing Festival; 【祝福语】生意兴隆: wish your business success;一帆风顺: wish you every success;鹏程万里: have a bright future;风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest;大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success;恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you 岁岁平安: Peace all year round;心想事成: May all your wishes come true 吉祥如意: Everything goes well; 步步高升: Promoting to a higher position 【中国十大吉祥汉字】福 blessing;禄 prosperity;寿 longevity;喜 happiness;财 wealth/money;和 harmony;爱 love;美 beauty;吉 luck;德 virtue;祝事业一马平川 Wish you have a smooth career path. 祝您龙马精神 Wish you full of vigor/keep a vigorous spirit in the new year. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dbb0ca2fff4ffe4733687e21af45b307e971f95d.html