
时间:2023-09-17 15:42:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1 可数名词变复数

(1)orange apple text bed flower ruler

(2)box class dish watch fox speech fish (3) country family army baby city lady policy enemy monkey boy toy turkey

(4)hero tomato potato Negro photo radio piano (5)shelf leaf thief knife wife wolf roof gulf (6)child woman tooth foot goose mouse sheep deer (7)Chinese Japanese Englishman Frenchman German American Australian

newsadviceweather, information, homework, housework, work, health, money, furniture, paper, trouble, traffic ---Un. 2 动词变三单(规则同名词变复数)

(1)go have do is am was

(2)study reply fly carry cry worry enjoy play say stay buy

(3)wash rush finish brush teach reach watch pass guess miss fix

(4)work run tell swim live communicate lie close think

3 规则动词变过去式/ 过去分词

(1)live communicate close tie die love like move

wash finish brush reach watch pass guess fix work help (2)study reply fly carry cry worry enjoy play say stay buy

(3) chat control drop nod plan prefer regret stop shop step slip wrap

4 不规则动词变过去式/过去分词

Am/is beat become begin blow Break bring build buy catch Choose come cost cut deal Dig draw drink drive eat Fall feed feel fight find Fly forget forgive get give Grow have hear hide hit Hold hurt keep know lay Lead learn leave lend let Lie lose make mean meet Mistake overeat pay prove put Read retell ride ring rise Run say see sell send Set shake shine show shut Sing sink sit sleep smell Speak speed spell spend spit Spread stand steal stick sweep Swim take teach tell think Throw understand wake wear win Write bear dream fit freeze 5 动词变现在分词(加-ing

(1)tie lie die

(2)begin babysit cut chat control dig drop forget get let nod put plan prefer run regret stop swim sit split shut shop stop step slip wrap win

(3)become choose love live move like take write (4)work run stand ski swim tell speak put

study reply fly carry cry worry enjoy play say stay buy

6 形容词变比较级最高级

1quick slow small great fast

nice fine wide late

(2)interesting important exciting friendly clever careful serious

(3) easy angry early heavy noisy

lucky pretty happy dirty

(4) big hot fat thin slim fit red wet sad

(5)many/much bad/ill little old far good 7 副词变比较级最高级

(1)late early fast hard

(2)finely slowly gently angrily happily quickly carefully

(3)well badly far 8 常见单词变形

(1)adjadv happy easy noisy angry lucky heavy great careful

real gentle quiet useful good bad clear formal

rapid final safe loud unfortunate brave

(2)n adj noise anger hunger luck use cloud rain

snow wind fog sun health danger success worry crowd value comfort west southeast nation physics wool gold wood beauty care help use peace harm power home hope friend science interest surprise excite Europe sleep meaning medicine

(3)adjn happy careless high long strong important

patient silent different difficult dead kind ill busy true safe foreign hot proud

(4)变成反义词 appear happy important lucky like(prep) fair

like(v) formal possible polite agree cover obey

(5)vn educate discover succeed decide attract invent
