英文童话故事马的故事(中英对照) 马的故事 French general Lafayette participated in both the American and French revolutions. One day at the height of the French Revolution a group of his admirers stopped his carriage in the street, unhitched his horses and pulled the vehicle to its destination. Several weeks later, Lafayette was asked whether he had been pleased by the gesture. “Yes, it was delightful, delightful, but one thing disturbs me a little,“ he replied, pausing reflectively. “I never saw anything more of my horses.“ It is worthwhile to note that, during the Napoleonic Wars, French soldiers complained that, though they were often hungry, there was always food for Napoleon”s favourite horse, Nicoll. 法国将领拉法埃脱曾参加美国独立战斗以及法国*。法国*最炽烈时,他有一天乘马车在街上走,被一群仰慕者拦,解下马匹,合力把马车拖到目的地。 几个星期之后,有人问拉法埃脱说,仰幕者爱戴的表现令不令他快乐。他答复:「快乐得很,快乐得很,但有一件事使我有点惶惑。」他略一沉吟,又说:「我的马从今不见了。」 值得一提的是,拿破仑战斗期间,法国士兵埋怨说,他们常常捱饿,但拿破仑的爱驹尼科尔总有东西吃。 【附注】拉法埃脱本是法国贵族,却放弃贵族身分,赐予手下奴隶自由。美国独立战斗爆发后,他捐巨款支持,并亲率军队抗英,曾呼吁华盛顿解放奴隶,只是华盛顿没有照办。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e7a58c862b4ac850ad02de80d4d8d15abe2300d8.html