[07:14。38]Never? — No. —从来没有 - 是的 [07:16.38]Ever? — No. — 一次都没想过? — 没错 [07:19.14]You never want to get married? - Nope。 - 你从未想过结婚? - 从未想过 [07:22.50]Ever? — Never. - 一直都没有? - 从来没有 [07:22.98]Never want kids? — Not a chance. — 从未想过生孩子? - 从未想过 [07:27。54]Is that so bizarre? — Yes。 - 是不是很古怪? — 是的 [07:29。26]Yes, it is。 — I just don't see the value in it. - 是的 是这样 - 我只是看不出那样做价值何在 [07:35.98]Right, sell it to me。 - What? - 好吧 努力说服我 - 什么? [07:37.82]Sell me marriage. 告诉我婚姻的重要性 [07:40.02]OK, how about love? — OK。 — 好吧 出于爱情怎么样? - 好吧 [07:46.26]Stability, just somebody you can count on..。 — How many stable marriages do you know? — 稳定性 有人可以依靠..。 - 你见过多少稳定的婚姻? [07:49.98]Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with. 有人可以说话 可以共度此生的人 [07:54.42]I'm surrounded by people to talk to. That won’t change. 我周围都是可以说话的人 那不会改变 [07:57。10]How about just not dying alone? 不会孤零零死去的理由怎么样? [08:01。18]Starting when I was 12, we moved each of my grandparents to a nursing facility。 打从我12岁起 我的爷爷奶奶外公外婆 就被陆续送去养老院 [08:05.62]My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone。 我父母最后也是同样的结局 一点没错 我们最后都会孤身一人死去 [08:09。26]Now, those cult members in San Diego, with the Kool—Aid and the sneakers.。. 而圣迭戈那些邪教信徒 喝着Kool—Aid 穿着运动鞋 [08:13.78]they didn’t die alone. 他们可没有孤零零死去 [08:16。66]I’m just saying there are options. 我只是说生活有很多选择 [08:23.38]Oh, fuck. 哦 见鬼 [08:26。34]Brian left me。 Brian不要我了 [08:33.82]All right。 好了 [08:38。86]OK。 Ok. All right。 好了 没事的 [08:43.30]All right。 Shh, shh。 没事的 [08:59.30]Natalie, this is Alex, my friend。 This is Natalie. Natalie 这是Alex 我的朋友 这是Natalie [09:02。70]I should give you both a moment。 我该让你们单独待几分钟 [09:06.26]No。 No, that’s fine。 I'm fine. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 不不 没事 我很好 很高兴认识你 [09:10.70]Maybe we should just all go up to our rooms and freshen up. 也许我们该上楼进客房整理一下 [09:15。66]Maybe a drink? - Now you're talking。 - 要不喝一杯? — 是个好主意 [09:16.54]Brian: I think it's time we see other people Brian: 我认为各寻新欢的时候到了 [09:21。06]He broke up with you with a text message? 他就发了这通短信跟你分手? [09:21。70]Kind of like firing someone over the internet。 有点像通过网络 远程裁员哦 [09:26。62]What a weaselly prick。 — But what does that make me? — 真是个狡猾的混蛋 — 可这让我看起来像啥样了? [09:32.38]Someone who falls for a prick。 - We all fall for them. - 有人就喜欢混蛋 — 我们都喜欢那种人 [09:33。30]Pricks are spontaneous, unpredictable and fun. 混蛋们都热情洋溢 无法预测 妙语如珠 [09:35。90]Then we’re surprised when they turn out to be pricks. 当他们最终露出混蛋真面目时 我们会非常吃惊 [09:40。34]I followed him to Omaha。 - You did? - 我是跟着他去的Omaha — 真的? [09:45.38]I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra. 我在旧金山有工作他被ConAgra食品集团录取了 [09:48。66]He said we could start a life together. 他说我们可以共同生活 [09:52.94]So I followed him. - To Nebraska? - 所以我跟着他去了 - 去了内布拉斯加州? [09:58。42]I thought I’d be engaged by now. 我以为我现在本该订婚了 [00:03。34]No offence. 无意冒犯 [00:03.46]None taken。 - That’s all right. — 没关系 - 没事的 [00:08。46]When I was 16, I thought by 23 I’d be married, 我16岁时 认为自己23岁就会结婚 [00:10.98]maybe have a kid, corner office by day, entertaining at night。 也许孩子都有了 白天上班 晚上消遣 [00:14.86]I was supposed to be driving a Grand Cherokee by now。 现在我本该开辆大切诺基吉普车 [00:17.86]Life can underwhelm you that way. 那种生活会让你对人生了无生趣 [00:21.46]I mean, where did you think you’d be by um。。. 我是说 你什么时候认为你 呃... [00:25。82]It doesn't work that way。 - At a certain point, you stop with the deadlines. - 不是那样的 - 从某个角度来说 你在最终期限前停了下来 [00:32.46]It can be counterproductive. 那可能达不到预期目的 [00:32.66]I don’t want to say anything anti-feminist. 我不想发表反女权主义的言论 [00:34。94]I really appreciate all your generation did for me. 我真心感谢你们那一代人为我做的努力 [00:36。66]It was our pleasure. - Well done。 — 不胜荣幸 — 说得好 [00:41。22]But sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, 可有时我感觉 无论我事业有多成功。。. [00:43.86]it’s not gonna matter until I find the right guy. 都无关紧要 除非我找到真命天子 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e7c8898d6b0203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d26662.html