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A Comparative Study of Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly Lovers

【作者基本信息】 福州大学, 英语语言文学 2006 硕士

【摘要】 当今跨文化研究已成为促进异质文化间对话和沟通最重要的一种手段。在中西文化的交流中,中西悲剧比较在中国近代学术研究中颇为引人注目。早在20世纪上半期,中国文学领域里就开始悲剧的研究。在早期,部分中国学者运用西方悲剧理论对中国戏曲的特定形态进行分析,否认中国有悲剧,但从20世纪后半期至今,更多的学者则是站在跨文化的高度上去理文学的独特性,他们系统挖掘和整理中国悲剧理论,取得了可喜的成就。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《梁山伯与祝英台》是倍受中西方人喜爱的两部经典爱情悲剧。目前虽然有大量文献对其进行对比分析,但大都局限在主题,人物和风格的对比方面。从悲剧美学的角度对这两部作品的意象分析,以及从中西悲剧的心理对悲剧结构的研究比较少见。针对以上问题,本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,从文化角度入手,具体分析这两部中外名著,力图对上述两方面进行深入研究,进一步丰富已有的研究内容,从而为转型时期的文化提供一点启示。本论文首先针对悲剧主题、悲剧人物、悲剧冲突、悲剧结构和悲剧风格五个问题进行理论论述,而后进行对比分析。然后,作者采用比较文学新型的研究方法―—平行研究进行分析,着重从悲剧美学以及悲剧心理的角度,对《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《梁山伯与祝英台》这两部中外名著进行实例分析研究。首先梳理其表面的趋同,再探究分析其深层的差异之处。接着,作者针对这两部悲剧在主题、人物、冲突、意象和结构五方面的差异进行系统分析。通过实例分析,作者认为,爱情模式上,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的爱情是狂热的、无所顾忌的;而《梁祝》中的爱情是含蓄、坚贞不渝的。在揭示悲剧命运的表现手法上,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》悲剧的必然性主要是为了达到西方文学所谓的震撼的悲剧效果;《梁祝》悲剧的必然性主要是为了取得动人的悲剧效果。此外,在人物性格方面,罗密欧和朱丽叶在表达、捍卫爱情方面都显得比较主动;而梁山伯与祝英台则比较被动。在冲突方面,在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》剧中的矛盾冲突此起彼伏;而在《梁祝》剧中很少有正面冲突。最后,就悲剧结构而言,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是“直线型”的;《梁祝》是“曲线型”的。上述五大方面的差异,凸现这两部爱情悲剧的悲壮与凄美。文章最后指出,西方人热情、奔放、追求世俗生活、信奉爱情至上,有着极强的独立人格意识。中国人含蓄、深沉、重整体、尚人伦,有着依附人格意识。正是由于中西方文化心态的不同,使两部爱情悲剧中的男女主人公在爱情的表达上、对爱情的态度及面对悲剧的抗争意识上异彩纷呈。 Abstract Nowadays the cross-cultural study has become one of the most important means for communication between the different cultures. In the process of cultural exchanges between China and the West, the comparative study of tragedy has become a heated topic in Chinese academic world. As early as the first half of 20th century, the term oftragedybegan to emerge in the field of Chinese literature. At first, some scholars denied the existence of tragedy in China through the studies of Western tragedy and the analysis of the form of Chinese drama. However, from the second half of 20th century till the present, more scholars attempted to apprehend the cultural uniqueness from the cross-cultural perspective. They made systematic studies on Chinese tragedy theories and the results are fruitful.Both Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly Lovers have been very popular in the West and China. So far lots of research papers have only confined their studies to the themes, characters and styles of these two classics. Its rare to find the comparison of these two tragedies in images and structures from the perspectives of the tragic aesthetics and national psychology.Based on the previous research, this thesis is a tentative endeavor to make a comparative study of these two world-famous works by way of analysis, comparison, to discuss the cultural factors of the two different societies and to further studies of the early researchers by

studying their earlier achievements.First this thesis gives a general theoretical introduction of Western tragedy and Chinese tragedy in the five aspects of tragic themes, tragic characters, tragic conflicts, tragic structures and tragic styles. And then the writer makes a comparative study of the two famous tragedies on the basis of the earlier theoretical comparison of the tragedy of the West and China. This thesis aims to makes deep explorations from the perspectives of tragic aesthetics and psychology by parallel studies. It begins to sort out their similarities and then analyzes their differences. The writer deals with them by a comprehensive comparison and systematic analysis mainly in five aspects, namely, themes, characters, conflicts, images and structures. As far as love is concerned, the love between Romeo and Juliet is fervent and blind while the love of the hero and heroine in Butterfly Lovers is mild. Concerning the tragic fate of the two works, the tragedy of the protagonists in Romeo and Juliet is necessarily made for the tragic effects, according to the tradition of Western tragedy which aims to evoke pity and fear out of the audience. The tragic fate of the protagonists in Butterfly Lovers is
