江苏大学学分绩点计算方法 课程成绩与绩点对应关系如下: 百分制 百分制绩点 五级制 五级制绩点 90~100 4.0~5.0 优 4.5 80~89 3.0~3.9 良 3.5 70~79 2.0~2.9 中 2.5 60~69 1.0~1.9 及格 1.5 低于60分 0 不及格 0 学分绩点总数=∑(课程绩点×课程学分) 学分绩点总数 平均绩点= 学分总数 计算平均学分绩点时,公共选修课、体育课和毕业设计(论文)成绩不参与学分绩点的计算。 江苏大学教务处 The Method of Calculating GPA in Jiangsu University (JU) Course grade and corresponding grade point: Hundred-mark system Grade point of Hundred-mark system Five-level system Grade point of Five-level system 90~100 4.0~5.0 Excellent 4.5 80~89 3.0~3.9 Good 3.5 70~79 2.0~2.9 Average 2.5 60~69 1.0~1.9 Pass 1.5 Less than 60 0 Failure 0 Total Weighted Credits =∑(Course grade point×course credit) Total Weighted Credits GPA = Total Credits The grades forPublic optional courses, PE class and Bachelor’s Degree Thesis are not counted in the calculation of GPA. JU Office of Educational Administration 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ee14a52eeb7101f69e3143323968011ca300f72b.html