4.优酷土豆合并之后的后续影响 最新财报显示, 优酷持有现金 6亿美元, 土豆则持 1.4 亿美元。 这就意味着优酷将土豆纳 入之后,并没有高比例的现金增量, 也不会出现巨大的受众增加。 该买的版权还是要买,该 投的设备带宽还是要投, 该吵吵嚷嚷的版权口水仗还是得吵。 2011年全年亏损 2730万美元的 优酷,增加了一个新的包袱:同年亏损 8120万美元的土豆。这不能叫如虎添翼,更多的,是 “抱团取暖”。 不过,这起并购案,至少说明了一点,独立视频行业是很难走通了。从 酷 6网 纳入盛大 系,56网嫁入千橡集团, 网络视频行业当年的几个独立大站, 也就只剩下今天的优酷和土豆 了。乐视网、激动网都有广电的资源和背景,迅雷 PPlive 走的是客户端的道路,后来者要 做独立视频,已经宣告没戏。 但优酷土豆依然面临着来自传统网络巨头的竞争,比如搜狐、腾讯、百度旗下的奇艺, 特别是前两者, 由于不是独立网站和上市公司, 很多数据都在水下不得而知。 但搜狐在美剧 上有一定的口碑影响力, 腾讯更是大手笔地在自制剧上动作, 优酷土豆只能让它们觉得竞争 对手大了点, 但未必就是“强”了点。 这种既没有消灭主要竞争对手又不能出现独占内容独 特收看体验的并购,怎么谈得上“撼动”国内视频业呢? 归根到底, 网络视频并非是一个被证明已经成功的商业模式。 有些网络数据说, 现在又 有多少多少人不看电视了, 但网络视频受众主体很大一部分是在校大学生构成——他们没有 电视机。从广告意义上讲,学生群体并非优质群体。别看电视受众老龄化, 但社会学却告诉 我们,一般意义上,年轻和富有是成反比的。 5. 优酷土豆合并分析 合并案被认为是投资方一力促成, 背后资本推手痕迹明显, 合并后当晚优酷与土豆股票 大涨,土豆涨幅达 156%,而优酷也涨了 27%,这似乎更印证了投资方的意愿大于管理团队 的意愿。 分析人士认为,短期来看,土豆成受益方,优酷付出不菲代价,但是长期来看,优酷则 是以一种相对合理的价格并掉了竞争对手。 纵观视频行业, 只有土豆是与优酷不管是从用户 划分还是商业模式上都最为相近的视频网站, 所以优酷此举并不像外界所认为是一笔亏本买 卖。 网络视频行业一直是一个热闹的行业, 从其在中国发展之日起, 就伴随着各种吸引眼球的新 闻,优酷和土豆的合并可说是 2012年以来网络视频行业最大的事件, 而这次合并对于优酷土 豆以及整个视频行业的影响无疑都是深远的。 “天下大势分久必合合久必分 ”,从短时间内看, 视频行业的整合将不可避免,但如何把 握“整合 ”和“垄断 ”之间的距离却至关重要,中国的网络视频行业已经站在了十字路口上,要 么形成寡头垄断, 未来整个行业因为缺少竞争而一潭死水, 要么经过短期的整合整个行业再 度细分,在细分市场中群雄并列。 4. The subsequent influence after the combining of youku and tudou. The latest finan cial n ewspaper shows that Youku has 600 milli on dollars in cash, the tudou has the $ 140 million. This means that after youku merging tudou, it hasn proporti on of cash in creme ntal, and has n ' have a high ' sharply in crease of audie nces. Buy the copyright or buy equipment bandwidth, the cast won ' disappear . lossing 27.3 million dollars in 2011, | youku add ing a new burde n: the tudou - loss 81.2 milli on dollars in the same year. This can not be called eve n more powerful, "heati ng". | However, this merger at least shows that the in depe ndent video in dustry is very difficult to proceed any more. Ku6 into the grand departme nt, the 56 mesh marry Thousa nd Oaks Group, | | several independent major stations of the online video industry, only left Youku and Tudou | no wadays. The LETV, joy ,they all have the in formati on and backgrou nd of televisi on, while xunlei and pplive through the clie nt side, failed. But Youku Tudou are still faced with competiti on from traditi onal n etwork ing gia nt, such as Sohu, Tencent, Baidu's Fantastic Art, especially the first two. Because they are not an in depe ndent website and listed compa ni es, a lot of data is not known for us .While Sohu has reputati on in flue nee on U.S. drama, Tencent is more gen erous in the self-made drama and | action, but they are feel a great counterpart by youku tudou, may not just a little mergers and acquisiti ons, and how we talk about the "shake" domestic video in dustry? After all, n etwork video has n 'prove n to be a successful bus in ess model. Some n etwork data displays that so many people do not watch TV now, but actually, a large part of the main online video audienee is college students - they do not have TV. From ad. aspect, student] groups is not a high-quality groups. Though the audie nee of watchi ng TV become agi ng, but sociology tells us that the you ng and the wealthy are in verse in gen eral. | | the later want to make in dividual video, but it has | ”trong ” . This | neither the eradication of major competitors can not unique exclusive content watching~| experie nee of 5.A nalysis of comb in ati on betwee n youku and tudou Merger in vestme nt is con sidered to be the force of in vestors side, the hand behi nd the capital is very obvious, and in the eve ning of comb in ati on, the amou nt of in crease is up to | 156%,a nd also youku up to 27%, this proved that the desire of in vestors is more bigger tha n adm ini strate one Analysts believe that in the short-term point of view, the Tudou become beneficiaries, and Youku pays a high price, but in the long run, Youku is based on a relatively reas on able price to merge its cou nterpart. Throughout the video in dustry, only Tudou and Youku,they are the similar video websites either from the user divisi on or bus in ess model, thus this act of Youku isn ' the loss bus in ess like outside world thought. Network video in dustry is a vibra nt in dustry , from the day of its developme nt in China, along with a variety of n ews to attract our atte nti on, Youku and Tudou merger can be regarded | 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ef3abcf9350cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a8829.html