
时间:2023-09-16 10:04:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




After nearly half a year's hard work, I finally "killed" the guerrilla warfare in the early days of my junior promotion, and I was admitted to a relatively ideal middle school, Affiliated Middle School of Polytechnic University. In this fierce competition, I have gained many experiences and lessons, and also found many shortcomings and problems. Let me talk about my competitive experience.


Dad learned from his colleagues that the attached middle school of science and technology was going to run a tutoring class, and immediately went to give me a name. At the beginning of March, there are twelve classes and three examinations. Then according to your test results to inform the interview, the final decision to recruit personnel.



A friend and I took two classes less than others because we signed up late. We had only one class and we had our first exam. I have done the example questions and homework of the first two lessons. I have thought over and over again about the questions that I can't do. I have studied them with my friends. Finally, I have finished the handout of the three lessons and understood them all.


At the end of the exam, I got 320 full marks in three subjects, 106 in mathematics, 53 in English, 240 in total, and 200.98 in average in class.


After three more studies, I got 213 scores in my second exam, with an average score of more than 160.


Then the high school attached to Li Gong informed me that the three classes of the third exam would be cancelled and that I might attend an interview.

那天下着大雨,我上完了学校的英语提高班才来到了理工附中。 It rained heavily that day, and I finished my school's English improvement class before I came to the attached high school of science and technology.

