第八章购买力平价 名解: Internal purchasing power: the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with the domestic currency in the domestic country. External purchasing power: the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with the domestic currency in a foreign country. Absolute purchasing power parity: exchange rate will adjust to equalize the internal purchasing power and the external purchasing power. Overvalued currency: a currency with larger external purchasing power than internal purchasing power. Undervalued currency: a currency with smaller external purchasing power than internal purchasing power. Relative purchasing power parity: the idea that the rate of change of the exchange rate should offset the difference in the rates of inflation between two countries. 第十章:费血假说 名解 Fisher hypothesis: the nominal interest rate is the sum of the expected real interest and the expected rate of inflation. i(t)=r(e)+π(e) Covered interest rate parity: a no arbitrage relationship between spot and forward exchange rates and the two nominal interest rates associated with these currencies. 第十一章:国际负债融资 Centralized debt denomination: a situation in which an MNC borrows in the company”s domestic currency. Decentralized debt denomination: a situation in which an MNC borrows in currencies in which its revenues are received. Balance –sheet hedge: the practice of denominating debt in a currency in which a firm has revenues. Domestic bonds: bonds that are issued and traded within the internal market of a single country and are denominated in the currency of that country. International bonds: are traded outside the country of the issuer.有两种,一种是外国债券(foreign bonds),一种是(eurobond) Foreign bonds: bonds issued in a domestic country market by a foreign borrower, denominated in the domestic currency, marketed to domestic residents, and regulated by the domestic authorities.(杨基 武士 熊猫) Eurobond: an international bond that is denominated in one or more currencies but is traded in external market outside the borders of the countries issuing the currencies. Dragon bonds:a Eurobond targeted at the Asian market (outside Japan) with Asian syndication Foreign branch of a bank(分行): a bank that is legally a part of its parent bank but operates like a local bank. A foreign branch allows the parent bank to offer its domestic, foreign, and international customers direct, seamless service in a foreign country. Subsidiary bank(子行) : a bank that at least partly owned by a foreign parent bank but that is incorporated in the country in which it is located. Affiliated bank(附属行):a bank partly owned but not controlled by a foreign parent bank. Offshore banking center: A center that primarily services the borrowing and lending needs of foreigners. Transactions are typically initiated outside the banking center whose location is in a country with low or zero taxation, moderate or light financial regulation, banking secrecy, and anonymity of transactions. 第十二章:国际权益融资 Cross-listing:The practice of listing shares on an exchange outside the country in which the company is headquartered. DR(存托凭证):a stock certificate that presents a specific number of shares in a company listed in a foreign stock exchange that are held in custody by a depositary bank that issues the DR. ADR: a stock certificate traded in the US, that presents a specific number of shares in a company listed in a foreign stock exchange that are held in custody by a US depositary bank that issues the ADR. GDR:A depositary receipt that trades across multiple markets and can settle in the currency of each market. 跨境上市的优点: Liquidity, wider shareholder base, market integration, corporate governance signal, capital needs and growth opportunities, other benefits. 跨境上市的缺点:one-time costs like registration and listing fees, perennial costs of additional reporting and disclosure requirements. 第二十章 外币衍生品 Making to market: the process of crediting and debiting daily profits and losses on futures accounts to margin accounts. 看涨期权:foreign currency call option gives the buyer of the option right, but not the obligation, to buy a specific amount of foreign currency with domestic currency at an exchange rate stated in the contract . 看跌期权:foreign currency put option: gives the buyer of the option right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific amount of foreign currency for domestic currency at an exchange rate stated in the contract . 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f0e2ecfddaef5ef7ba0d3c7a.html