春节英语资料:农历狗年英文怎么说 农历狗年用英文怎么说?小编下面来告诉大家。 农历新年 The Lunar New Year 狗年 Year of the Dog 例句: 五福临门,狗年旺旺,万事如意,万事顺心! Five quick succession Wangwang Year of the Dog, and good luck, everything feels! 中国农历年是12年一个轮回,每年一个生肖动物,分别是鼠年、牛年、虎年、兔年、龙年、蛇年、马年、羊年、猴年、鸡年、狗年和猪年。 Chinese lunar calendar years are grouped into a 12-year cycle, with each year assigned an animal symbol: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. 狗年快乐! Happy doggie year! (doggie小狗,这是比较俏皮的说法) 祝愿大家狗年幸福,身体健康,事业有成! We wish everyone health, much happiness, and success in the year of the dog. 我是狗年出生的/我属狗。 I was born under the Year of the Dog. 祝狗年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 With best wishes for a happy Year of Dog! 今年是中国的狗年,这是一个好年份,希望能给小明带来好运。 This year is the Chinese Lunar Year of Dog, which is believed to be a lucky year. I wish it would also bring luck to the Ming. 今年,商店和饭店都挂满了横幅和装饰,以迎接狗年的到来。 This year, shops and restaurants are festooned with banners and decorations hailing the Year of the Dog. 零售商靠着备货这批狗年独特商品赚钱。 Retailers are cashing in by stocking up on these unique items for the Year of the Dog. 他认为在狗年将会有更多的大陆企业寻求在香港上市,也会有更多的大陆资金投入市场。 He expects that more mainland enterprises will seek listing in Hong Kong and more mainland capital will be invested during the Year of the Dog. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f5a99948bb4ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9605deb4.html