【高中英语】最新热词翻译:年夜饭分手 连日来,朋友圈被一顿江西的年夜饭刷屏了。事情很简单,就是一上海姑娘跟着江西男友回农村老家过年,在见到男方家里的第一顿饭后就决定分手了。事件发生后,网友针对此事的讨论持续发酵,双方展开激烈辩论,有人批评女孩没教养,嫌贫爱富,过于拜金;也有人指责男方是“凤凰男”,自己没本事给女朋友过上好日子,还想“攀高枝”。 外媒如何说“分手”: One particularly picky young woman dumped her boyfriend of a year after being served food at his parents' house which she considered to be 'too humble' for her tastes. 一位特别挑剔的年轻女性在见到男方家里的第一顿饭后,觉得实在难以下咽,决定与相恋一年的男友分手。 Upon seeing the dishes the parents - who are from Jiangxi province, southeast China had served up, the comparatively wealthy woman from Shanghai said she was 'shocked' and decided it was time to call it a day on their relationship. 在见到男方父母做的这顿饭后,这位家境相对富裕的上海女子说自己“一去吓一跳”,遂决定与男友分手。男方老家位于中国江西省。 原帖是这样说的: 'I was bred in Shanghai and was born in 1988... My family is well off.' 楼主正宗上海人,88年……家庭小康。 'I have a boyfriend and have been dating him for a year. He comes from elsewhere [other than Shanghai]. He's good at working and has the looks that I like. But he doesn't have a good financial background.' 谈了个朋友,有一年了,是外地的,人工作能力蛮强,卖相是我喜欢的那种,但是没有家底。 'When I saw their food, I wanted to throw up. It was 100 times worse than what I had imagined. I can't accept it. I can't leave now, there is no transport. I will share a room with his sister tonight and leave the next morning.' 一看到这个饭菜我真的想吐了……比我想象的要差一百倍,我接受不了。现在肯定没法走,没交通工具了,我和他妹妹睡,明天一早我就走。 网友正反方PK: After her post went viral online, the woman surprisingly received support for her plight from some quarters, with many saying she was not expecting too much. 贴子在网上流传后,一些网友对这位女性的处境表达了理解和支持,许多人表示她的要求并不过分。 'I can truly understand her. She made the right choice. I got married this year. My husband comes from rural Hunan, I come from Harbin.'- one Weibo commenter said. 微博用户:“我特别理解她,她做出了正确的决定。我今年结的婚,丈夫来自湖南农村,我来自哈尔滨。 'This year, after I had the Chinese New Year's meal at my mother-in-law's house, I cried… If I hadn't got married, I would certainly break up.' 今年在婆家吃过年夜饭后,我哭了……如果还没结婚我肯定会分手。” 但也有人表达了相反的观点: 'You're marrying him, not his family's food. If you don't like you can break up with him, but why did you send a post to insult the others.' “你嫁的是他这个人,又不是他家的饭。如果你不喜欢可以分手,干嘛要发张照片侮辱对方?” 'Although the meal might not look good to you, but his parents might have waited for a year to prepare this for you. They wanted to welcome you.' “尽管你看不上这顿饭,但也许男方父母为这顿饭等了一年。他们欢迎你的到来。” 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f5e5f7e492c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec4dad768.html