
时间:2022-07-15 14:44:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Write at least 80 words about the topic "Act now to save water" (以“节约用水,从现在开始”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的作文,简单描述自己最喜欢的城市)( 20)

Using the following points as a reference 1.必要性:没有水,人类就无法生存;

2.不良现象:不关水龙头(tap);洗澡时间很长,没喝完水就把瓶子扔掉; 3.建议:你的2-3个建议

Act now to save water

Water is very important to us. Without water, neither plants nor animals can live. People cant live either. I am very sorry to see there are many people even some students dont know how to save water. When they dont use water, some people dont turn off the tap. When they are taking a shower, they spend too much time. They throw away their bottles with water in it.

Id like to give all of us some advice. Turn off the tap when no one uses it. When we are washing our hair, turn off the shower now and then. Before throwing the bottle, drink the last drop of the water in it.


IV. Write at least 80 words about the topic "My Low-carbon life" (“我的低碳生活”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的作文,简单描述自己的低碳生活 )( 20)

要点:1.每天步行上学 2. 离开教室时,关灯、电扇、电扇等 3. 不用水时,记得关水龙头,循环使用水; 4. 充分使用纸张; 5.不使用塑料袋

参考词汇:on foot, turn off, tap, reuse, make full use of , plastic bag

My Low-carbon life

My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I go to school on foot every day. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when i leave the classroom. When i am not using water, i always turn off the tap. I often reuse the water, for example, when i finish washing the clothes, i use the water to clean the floor and watering the clothes, i use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so i often make full use of paper. It is important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.


IV. Write at least 80 words about the topic "Earth Hour" (以“地球一小时”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的作文,简单描述自己的低碳生活 )( 20)



2. 2010327日,全球有126个国家参加,我国有33个城市也参加了“地球一小时”活动。

3. 目的:节约能源(save energy), 改善气候(improve climate)

4. 方式: 于家人共进烛光晚餐(in the candlelight), 于朋友一起分享(share)故事。

Earth Hour

Earth Hour started in Sydney at 7:30 pm on April 31, 2007. More than 2.2 million homes turned off their lights for an hour. On March 27,2010 over 125 countries took part in in, and in our country 33 cities also took part in it. The activity aims to save energy and improve climate. We have different ways to spend the dark hours such as having dinner with our friends. We can also have parties or take a walk in the parks..
