
时间:2022-04-14 01:30:03 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

姓名__________ 班级_________



单词:(二年级上册) 要求:熟读并理解意思.Aa-Uu

bin park road building Shanghai pizza biscuit hot dog juice water play run sleep swim plane ferry

train taxi car bus van stop light go fast slow in on under bell star present

tree hats gloves scarfs winter cold wind snow tie

belt socks shirt dress coat


U1: hen chick duck cow sheep pig

U2: horse bear elephant tiger monkey panda

U3:window door bed room sofa table lamp

U4:walk skip swing climb fly ride

读熟句子并理解意思,写出中文意思 a) Draw the cow on the paper. --- b) Draw the duck on the ground.--- c) Come here. --- d) Come back. --- e) Go there. ---

f) Close the window ,please.--- g) Open the door, please.--- h) Clean your room,please.--- i) Dont walk on the grass.--- j) Dont ride a bicycle here.--- k) Dont climb the tree.---


1.-What do you see?I see a hen.(chick/ duck/ cow /sheep /pig /horse)

2.-What do you hear?I hear a hen.(chick duck cow sheep pig horse)

3.Look at the horse/bear/elephant/tiger/monkey/ panda.

Its _____ and ______.big/fat/small/long/tall/brown/grey

4.This is my room.

There is a window(door/ bed/room/sofa/table /lamp) in my room.

5.What can you do? I can(walk/skip/swing/climb/fly/ride/ jump/draw/.) What can Spotty do? Spotty can run.
