初中语文文言文《杞人忧天》原文与翻译 《杞人忧天》是古代文学家刘向创作的寓言故事。以下是故事的原文以及对其的翻译: 原文: 有人住在杞国的一座村落里,他经常忧心忡忡地坐在屋子里。别人问他:“你为什么忧心?”他回答说:“我担心天会塌下来,压死我们。” 别人笑他荒唐,可他仍然一直担心。有一次,他忍不住对国君说:“陛下,请您给我的土地加固一下,免得天塌下来。” 国君笑他无知,便说:“你有什么办法?” 那人回答:“请您修一座大墙,把我们的村落困在里面。这样,即使天塌下来,我们也能够幸免于难。” 国君听后,觉得他的想法有些道理,便答应了他的要求。 翻译: There was a man who lived in a village in the state of Qi. He often sat in his house, full of worries. When asked why he was worried, he replied, "I am afraid that the sky will fall and crush us." Others laughed at his absurdity, but he continued to worry. One day, he couldn't help but speak to the king, "Your Majesty, please reinforce my land so that the sky won't fall." The king laughed at his ignorance and asked, "What can you do?" The man replied, "Please build a great wall around our village. Even if the sky falls, we will be safe inside." Upon hearing this, the king found his proposal somewhat reasonable and agreed to his request. 该寓言故事以夸张的形象揭示了人们偏离实际,过度担忧问题的弊端。通过故事,我们可以理解到胡思乱想与实际行动之间的差距,并学会更加理性地面对生活中的困难和压力。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fd50ec1edeccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473368fda3.html