新概念英语第一册 情景对话视频第61-62课,新概念英语第一册:语音、语法、情景对话及习题(UNIT10~12)


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【#新概念英语# 导语】学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?不要着急,©文档大全网小编为大家提供了“新概念英语第一册:语音、语法、情景对话及习题 (UNIT 10~12)”。相信加入学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和小编一起来学习吧!



[iD] near / here / dear / beer / fear / clear

[GD] dare / care / share / pear / wear / hair

[uD] poor / sure / tour / pure / usual / European

Things are clear and you don't need to fear.

I don't care if she would share my enjoyment.

I'm sure these poor children will be glad to see some pure gold.

II. 经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS )

● better half

● green thumb

● be all ears

● be all thumbs

● kiss something goodbye

● keep one's mouth out of sth.

● Failure is the mother of success.

● All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


感激与回答 Thanks and Replies:

— Thank you (Thanks) very much / a lot.

— Many thanks. / Great. / you're so kind.

— I'm much / most grateful to you (for ...)

— That's very kind / good / nice of you to ...

— You've so thoughtful.

— I can never thank you enough.

— Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day.

— No thanks necessary. / Not at all. / That's all right. / That's OK. /

Forget (about) it. / Don't mention it. / You're welcome.

— It's my pleasure.

— I'm pleased / glad to be at you service.

— A small piece of cake.

— Nothing much.



[tN] china / change / choose / chance / chat / cheap

[dI] job / joke / join / orange / age / judge

[tr] try / train / traffic / tree / introduce / trade

[dr] dry / drop / drink / drive / dream / dress

[ts] cats / hats / coats / lots / fights / let's

[dz] birds / hands / deeds / goods / fields / friends

[i] love / little / help / girl / bottle / leg

John and Jane went to Japan in July.

Try to catch the train in the traffic jams.

The driver had a terrible dream after drinking a bottle of wine.

The goodfriends were catching birds in the fields.

II. 总结与操练 (PRACTICE)


I.Fill in the blanks with the right forms, using the words given.

1. Now Sally is in the garden. She ________ (sit) under the tree. Her son ________ (climb) the tree.

2. It ________ (be) a fine day. There ________ (be) some boats on the river. Mrs. Jones ________(be) looking at them.

3. Look, your cat ________ (run) across the grass.

4. She ________ (do) her homework now. She ________ (go) to see a friend this evening. So she must ________ (finish) her homework first.

5. I ________ (like) flying a kite. Now I ________ (make) a nice kite. Then tomorrow I ________(can, fly) the kite in the play-field.

6. ________ (put) the cigarettes there. ________ (not smoke) in the room.

7. — What ________ (do)? — I'm going to play basketball.


有错必纠 CORRECTION:(并不真的难,只是有点烦!)

1. I am doing his homework.

2. Lilei doesn't like football, and I don't like it too.

3. This is photograph of our village.

4. There is an university in my town.

5. The child are tired and thirsty.

6. — What are their jobs? — They are typist.

7. What color are your new dress?

8. — Is he shirt new or old?

9. The umbrella is Mr. Jones.

10. My coat is same color as your coat.

11. This bookcase is to my grandmother.

12. — What are you doing? — I'm going to visit my uncle.

13. There is going to have a sports meeting next week.

14. I want that hammer. Please give it me.

15. The shoes are very nice. Put on them.

16. Are there some books on the chair?

17. Open the window, air the room.


I.Fill the blanks witha, an, some, any, the.

1. Pass me ________ sugar. There is not ________ sugar in the bottle.

2. There are ________ flowers in front of the window. Do you like them? If you wish, I will give ________ flower to you.

3. Don't put ________ boxes on the radio.

4. Is there ________ coat and ________ ties in the wardrobe?

5. I'd like ________ coffee, ________ cup of coffee.

6. There is ________ rice in the bag.

7. Is there ________ soap on the table? This morning I put ________ bar of soap on it.

8. ________ car is running on the street. ________ car is very nice.

II. Translation:

一只茶杯 一只面包 一块巧克力 一条肥皂 一磅肉

一听烟丝 一袋米 一个苹果 一些牛奶 一些茶

— 你能来一下吗? — 这封信我打不了。他的字太潦草了。

— 要一听啤酒吗? — 好的。 — 她不喜欢梨子。 她喜欢香蕉。 给她一个香蕉吧。

新概念英语第一册:语音、语法、情景对话及习题 (UNIT 10~12).doc
