
时间:2023-02-13 03:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】今年立春,北京冬奥会开幕!2月4日,呼应了第24届冬奥会。至此,中国北京将成为全球的“双奥之城”。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games was grandly opened in the capital bird's nest. Watching the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, I was surging and shocked!

  With the beautiful pictures of solar terms flashing on the screen in turn, and finally fixed at the spring equinox, we can see the vibrant grass, which symbolizes the warm spring flowers. Those dancing "grass" are actually people dancing one by one. Then the grass turned into dandelions one after another. Suddenly, the silhouette of a little boy appeared in the picture. He blew gently, and the dandelion flew away with the wind. The picture was very beautiful! What shocked me most was that a drop of blue water appeared slowly, and then the rolling Yellow River water fell from the sky and filled the whole stage. Then the Yellow River water became the ice cube, and then the ice cube changed continuously. Finally, it was engraved into the symbol of the fifth ring Olympic Games, symbolizing breaking the "solid ice" and getting close to each other!

  The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games was very wonderful, and the appearance of athletes was particularly grand. Each country is dressed in uniform, waving its own national flag and waving to everyone! Some countries have only one or two athletes, while others have dozens of athletes. Finally, the Chinese team came out. With the melodious "five-star red flag fluttering in the wind", the athletes came slowly in Chinese red. As the host, 387 athletes of the Chinese team took all the sports of the Winter Olympic Games. At this moment, I feel extremely proud and proud of the strength of my motherland!

  China's thriving and prosperous Chinese Shuey Rhon Rhon Bing dwen dwen 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing has also shown the mascot of the Winter Olympics. "Ice pier and snow melting" show the spirit of Chinese people's physical fitness, courage and struggle.


  When spring thunder rings, everything grows. On the day of the beginning of spring in 2022, the 24th Winter Olympic Games kicked off at the bird's nest in Beijing. The opening ceremony "countdown · spring" directed by Zhang Yimou shocked audiences all over the world. From the perspective of the Chinese people, the opening ceremony embodies Chinese romance everywhere and highlights the heritage of a big country.

  Chinese romance is reflected in every frame of the 24 solar terms. In spring, the spring breeze is like a distinguished guest, and it will be prosperous as soon as it arrives. In summer, the lotus wind sends fragrance and the bamboo dew drops make a clear sound. In autumn, the dew is white from tonight, and the moon is the hometown of Ming. In winter, guests come to tea as wine on a cold night, and the bamboo stove soup is boiling red at the beginning. At this moment, we see flowers, rain, light and snow. The traditional 24 solar terms represent time, and the myriad meteorology of heaven and earth represents space. Time and space crisscross, showing the majestic atmosphere! The 5000 year history of China is magnificent, and the Chinese style romance is naturally revealed.

  Chinese romance is also reflected in the legend of the five-star red flag. A phalanx of pupils wearing red scarves, representatives of 56 nationalities and the people's Liberation Army passed the five-star red flag hand in hand. The connection of 56 nationalities has become a touch of Chinese red, lit up the night of the bird's nest and ignited the hearts of the Chinese people. The moment the national anthem sounded, it was cultural self-confidence and Chinese blood that brought tears to our eyes. Only the Chinese who have lived in this land for generations and are closely connected with the five-star red flag can understand this Chinese romance.

  The 24th Winter Olympic Games opened with 24 solar terms on February 4, opened at 20:04, and the Chinese delegation entered at 21:24. This is a romance that only Chinese people understand. Wonderful winter Olympics, romantic opening!


  Last night, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics kicked off. It showed the world the rise of China and made Beijing the first city of the "double Olympics". We Chinese are very proud and proud.

  The opening ceremony was held in the bird's nest. The waterfalls flying down, the grass swinging with the wind and the bright five-star red flag were so beautiful and spectacular. Fireworks and bright lights, they jointly cast the great Olympic spirit and jointly created the beautiful Jiuzhou!

  The opening day of the Winter Olympics coincides with the beginning of spring, which is the beginning of the year and the season for the recovery of all things. The countdown of the 24 solar terms appears in turn. Each picture shows the beauty of China's great rivers and mountains in different solar terms, and the ancient Chinese civilization flows in the middle. The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics is so beautiful! But who knows, decades ago, China was just a sick man in Asia, not strong and bullied. However, countless people have joined this rich and powerful team. They can't even afford to drive cars. Now there are many vehicles, from low thatched houses to high-rise buildings. This reform and rejuvenation show China's great creativity and cohesion. In 2022, at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, a fierce ice and snow sport is shining on the field. Alpine skiing, ice hockey and so on add color to this cold world.

  As the reporter said: the world is looking forward to China, and China is ready! China, come on! Come on, China!


  Many people will pay attention to the valiant athletes on the field, but rarely pay attention to the ordinary people. And those ordinary people play an irreplaceable role in the smooth holding of the Olympic Games.

  In the Winter Olympic Games, many volunteers test the Olympic clothing in the cold environment of more than ten degrees below zero, and try their best to serve the athletes and spectators. Some winter Olympic athletes are also ordinary people. They appeared in the Winter Olympic Games and made unimaginable efforts. They appear on the field with the courage of ordinary people and win glory for the country as athletes. They are heroes on the field. They have proved with practical actions that ordinary people can also do extraordinary things.

  In addition to the sports meeting, there are many people who can't attend it silently.

  There is such a Shepherd named Han Tongyuan. At the first skiing Games held in New China, Han Tongyuan, 18, won the championship of the men's 20km cross-country skiing competition. The original purpose of his skiing was to herd sheep. At that time, he lived at the foot of Beishan Mountain in Jilin City. He herded sheep in winter. In the process of running, he couldn't catch up and circle, so he made simple skis by himself. After more than ten kilometers of chasing and driving sheep every day, the ordinary "sheep herding baby" finally became a good athlete. He achieved good results in the skiing competition with his companions. Obsessed with skiing, he not only trains hard in winter, but also often sweats in summer. Unfortunately, God gave him a regret in his life that Han Tongyuan failed to go to the international arena. He also said that if he can enter the international arena, he is very likely to get the ranking. As the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is getting closer and closer, Han Tongyuan feels that he is very lucky to catch up with the Winter Olympics in his life. At the same time, he also hopes that our athletes can achieve good results and win some light and gas for China.


  The magnificent stage performance and superb dance technology reveal the digital interpretation of the flavor of the times. From Tokyo to Beijing, from midsummer to ice and snow, different venues have the same dream. With the re ignition of the Olympic flame in China's bird's nest, the 24th Winter Olympic Games kicked off in Beijing. At this time, Beijing officially became the world's first "double Olympic city".

  The opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games coincides with the "beginning of spring" solar term, which is the first of China's 24 solar terms. The opening ceremony also combines the element of "beginning of spring". In one performance, the actors hold green luminous poles, implying the vitality of spring. Subsequently, green and white fireworks spelled out the words "beginning of spring" in the air, reflecting the excitement and power of "spring comes and everything is beautiful".

  In the opening ceremony, the name of each country is composed of small snowflakes, which in turn form a large snowflake, which represents China's yearning for peace, mutual assistance and unity. This grand event full of ice and snow elements is simple but wonderful, showing the world a more prosperous, powerful and confident China. If faith has color, it must be Chinese red! Dressed in red, the Chinese sports delegation entered the arena with confident and firm steps, and each step represents China's strong and confident spirit! This is Chinese red! Shine! Beautiful!

  Although the length of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has been shortened and the scale of the performance has been reduced, it shows a more prosperous, strong and confident China, reflects the confidence of Chinese culture in the new era, and highlights the Chinese cultural temperament and the national style of a big country.

  2022 Winter Olympics, I cheer for you! 2022 Beijing, I cheer for you!


  At the beginning of spring this year, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will open! On February 4, it echoed the 24th Winter Olympic Games. So far, Beijing, China will become the "double Olympic city" in the world.

  After 14 years of glory and waiting, the right to host the Olympic Games has come to Beijing again. The whole country is celebrating and blood is boiling. Everyone's face is filled with happiness, pride and pride.

  This fierce competition has 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events. What a wonderful thing that a country and a city can host an Olympic Games! All athletes are preparing for the opportunity to win glory for the country. The Olympic Games is an excellent display of human physical fitness. Short track speed skating is like a wind turbine engine, with shocking speed breaking out in a short track of a few hundred meters. Figure skating is like a flower blooming on the ice, which is breathtaking. 109 events, each of which carries the sweat and tears of Olympic athletes.

  The Olympic Games is not a simple sports competition, but a belief that will never change. Although we can't win glory for our country like athletes, as long as we start now and study hard, we can contribute to the Olympic Games.

  As a Chinese, it is both an honor and a responsibility. Everyone has the obligation and responsibility to support the Olympic Games with practical actions. As contemporary primary school students, we should be the disseminator and inheritor of civilized etiquette. Civilized etiquette is around us. Let's decorate every corner of the city with civilization, extend the hand of etiquette to welcome visitors from all directions, carry forward the national spirit and highlight the national culture.

  The pure ice and snow and the booming Spring Festival are just like a vibrant stage. The lovely Bing dwen dwen and the Shuey Rhon Rhon melting will accompany the global ice and snow athletes to create a snow and ice adventure in the city of Shuang Ao. I wish Chinese ice and snow athletes great courage and brilliance!

  Build a dream of ice and snow and look forward to the future together.


  What kind of bright dream is the Winter Olympic dream?

  The Winter Olympic dream is the ideal that the warm winter sun is written into history, the boiling blood of training in the cold night, and the most beautiful high wall on the road of self challenge. The side of the high wall is the other side of the Winter Olympic dream. The Winter Olympic dream has built a leap stage for countless Olympic athletes and created the opportunity for them to dance with ice and snow. The Winter Olympics dream is not only a national dream, but also my dream. My dream is integrated into the national dream. My life is eulogizing the extraordinary of the country. The country writes Huazhang for all of us Chinese in the Winter Olympics. I am a primary school student. When I saw on the news that there are only a few days left for the Winter Olympics, I will share my joy with my parents, because the Winter Olympics is not a small sports meeting. The Winter Olympics is the dream of many athletes' brothers and sisters. I can see many athletes training hard on TV and feel the joy of the upcoming winter Olympics in my life, Maybe everyone is waiting for this flower of dreams to bloom. I heard from my father that the 2008 Olympic Games are very magnificent. I hope that the next Winter Olympics can also let us see the brilliant Olympic Games. This is my little Winter Olympic dream.

  My dream is also a little dream of the Winter Olympics. When I saw the lovely mascot of the Winter Olympics, I was loved The little panda attracts attention. The lovely mascot represents our spirit. I also have a little Winter Olympic dream. I hope I can watch the competition, cheer for Chinese Olympic athletes and cheer for China with the little panda mascot. In order to welcome the arrival of the Winter Olympics, I also took part in sports. I have to run for a while every day to exercise my body, go to bed early and get up early to do sports, do morning exercises seriously, learn about sports, watch athletes' TV programs at home and watch athletes skiing. They leap down from the top of the mountain like an eagle. They are very handsome, When I grow up, I also want to be a skier to win glory for the country. This is my little Winter Olympic dream.

  Winter Olympics dream, my dream. We primary school students should roam in the ocean of knowledge, have a strong physique, study hard, exercise actively, and be the pillars of the country in the future.


  This year is the year of the tiger and the Olympic year. Yesterday was the beginning of spring in China's 24 solar terms and the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. When spring meets the Winter Olympics, everything becomes romantic.

  The countdown before the Winter Olympics is themed with 24 solar terms. Each solar term has its own poem. We have skillfully integrated Chinese traditional culture into the Winter Olympics and spread Chinese culture to the world.

  The slogan of the Winter Olympics is "to the future together". When the athletes entered the stadium, the guiding signs in the hands of the volunteers showed their ingenuity. He skillfully integrated snowflakes with Chinese knots. Across the screen, I can feel the strong Chinese flavor.

  The scene of raising the national flag made countless Chinese people cry. Several young pioneers took the national flag and handed it to the outstanding representatives from all walks of life. The national flag was passed in people's hands, and our hearts warmed up. The national flag rose slowly, and the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax.

  The torch relay ceremony is undoubtedly the most exciting. Six torches and seven runners are the post-50s, post-60s, Post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and two young post-00s respectively. With the handover of the Olympic flame, the Olympic flame gradually approached the large snowflake (main torch) composed of small snowflakes with the names of all participating countries, and the flame with the Olympic flame was left on the torch platform. So far, the torch lighting ceremony was successfully completed.

  Different from the previous fires, the Olympic flame is a small fire, which is an unprecedented great initiative, "a single spark can start a prairie fire." The flame remained in everyone's heart.

  Today, the 24th Winter Olympic Games began in Beijing. I wish our athletes good results!


  The lights are bright and the curtain opens. Athletes stepped into the venue and made full progress towards their goals. The people of the world join hands to talk about peace, friendship and progress. This is a time to convey passion and dreams, a time to show courage and strength, and a time to write about struggle and unity!

  On the summer night 14 years ago, from Yongding gate to Tiananmen Gate and then to the "bird's nest" of the National Stadium, 29 "footprints" reflected the rise and fall of the Chinese nation. After 14 years of glory and waiting, and after more than six years of preparation and preparation, the pursuit of the Olympic spirit by the people of Beijing and the world has remained unchanged.

  For me, the preparation of the Winter Olympics is not only to let the world know about ice and snow, but also to let the world know about Chinese culture. As the organizer with a history of 5000 years, all designs highlight China's traditional culture. The snowflakes of all countries will be painted on the opening day of the Olympic Winter Festival, and the fine Chinese characters will be displayed on the opening day of the Olympic Winter Festival on April 24.

  The opening of the Winter Olympic Games coincides with the Spring Festival of the year of the tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar. Today, Chinese traditional culture and Winter Olympic culture meet beautifully. In China, "tiger" is a symbol of courage and strength. Facing the severe situation of that year, we should all unite as one, bravely face all kinds of challenges on the road of war and epidemic, create a beautiful, peaceful and friendly world, let the sunshine of hope spread all over the world, and make the world full of confidence and strength!

  As a new generation of Chinese youth, we should embrace our ideals, cut through thorns and thorns, integrate the "small self" into the "big self", shoulder our responsibilities bravely, and use our knowledge and wisdom to build a great motherland. Let's open a new chapter for the motherland and realize one Chinese dream after another! At the same time, we should stand on a farther, higher and larger stage and practice the higher, faster and stronger Olympic spirit!

  Let's build a dream of ice and snow and look forward to the future together!


  "Bing dwen dwen" is the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games, which combines panda image with ice shell with super energy. It reflects the characteristics of ice snow sports and modern science and technology. The shape of the head shell is taken from the ice and snow sports helmet and decorated with a color halo. It is inspired by the national speed skating Hall - "ice ribbon" of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The flowing bright color lines symbolize the track of ice and snow sports and 5g high technology; The heart-shaped pattern on the palm of the left hand represents the host's warm welcome to friends all over the world. The overall image is similar to that of astronauts, which means to create extraordinary and explore the future, reflecting the infinite possibility of pursuing excellence, leading the times and facing the future.

  Ice, a symbol of purity and strength, is the characteristic of the Winter Olympic Games. Dundun, which means Yu Dunhou, healthy, lively and lovely, fits the overall image of the panda and symbolizes the strong body, tenacious will and inspiring Olympic spirit of the Winter Olympic athletes.

  The Winter Olympic Games Shuey Rhon Rhon Rong is designed and created with lanterns as its prototype. Lanterns represent harvest, celebration, warmth and light. The wishful shape on the top symbolizes auspiciousness and happiness; The continuous pattern composed of peace dove and temple of heaven symbolizes peace and friendship and highlights the characteristics of the venue; Decorative patterns are integrated into Chinese traditional paper-cut art; The snow block on the face not only represents the meaning of "auspicious snow heralds a bumper year", but also reflects the anthropomorphic design, highlighting the loveliness of the mascot.

  The lanterns are mainly colored with "China Red", which exaggerates the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Spring Festival in 2022. The body emits light, which means lighting up the dream, warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, and embodies the fighting spirit of the mobilization of the winter Paralympic Games and the concept of the winter Paralympic Games to inspire the world.

  Snow, a symbol of whiteness and beauty, is the characteristic of ice and snow sports. Tolerance means tolerance, tolerance, communication and mutual learning. Fusion means fusion, warmth and mutual understanding. Rong Rong expressed the concept of world civilization exchange, mutual learning and harmonious development, and embodied the beautiful vision of creating a more inclusive world and building a community with a shared future for mankind through the Paralympic movement.

