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【#英语资源# 导语】泰戈尔的诗歌蕴涵着深刻的生态智慧,他那些集合了梵心、洞见、妙赏与深情的诗歌吟唱,从本质上讲更属于一种绿色写作。下面是由®文档大全网带来的泰戈尔优美英语诗歌,欢迎阅读!


  不被注意的花饰 The unheeded pageant

  AH, who was it coloured that little frock, my child, and covered your sweet limbs with that little red tunic? 啊,谁给那件小外衫染上颜色的,我的孩子,谁使你的温软的肢体穿上那件红的小外衫的?

  You have come out in the morning to play in the courtyard, tottering and tumbling as you run. 你在早晨就跑出来到天井里玩儿,你,跑着就像摇摇欲跌似的。

  But who was it coloured that little frock, my child? 但是谁给那件小外衫染上颜色的,我的孩子?

  What is it makes you laugh, my little life-bud? 什么事叫你大笑起来的,我的小小的命芽儿?

  Mother smiles at you standing on the threshold. 妈妈站在门边,微笑地望着你。

  She claps her hands and her bracelets jingle, and you dance with your bamboo stick in your hand like a tiny little shepherd. 她拍着她的双手,她的手镯丁当地响着,你手里拿着你的竹竿儿在跳舞,活像一个小小的牧童。

  But what is it makes you laugh, my little life-bud? 但是什么事叫你大笑起来的,我的小小的命芽儿?

  O beggar, what do you beg for, clinging to your mother's neck with both your hands? 喔,乞丐,你双手攀搂住妈妈的头颈,要乞讨些什么?

  O greedy heart, shall I pluck the world like a fruit from the sky to place it on your little rosy palm? 喔,贪得无厌的心,要我把整个世界从天上摘下来,像摘一个果子似的,把它放在你的一双小小的玫瑰色的手掌上么?

  O beggar, what are you begging for? 喔,乞丐,你要乞讨些什么?

  The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. 风高兴地带走了你踝铃的丁当。

  The sun smiles and watches your toilet. The sky watches over you when you sleep in your mother's arms, and the morning comes tiptoe to your bed and kisses your eyes. 太阳微笑着,望着你的打扮。当你睡在你妈妈的臂弯里时,天空在上面望着你,而早晨蹑手蹑脚地走到你的床跟前,吻着你的双眼。

  The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. 风高兴地带走了你踝铃的丁当。

  The fairy mistress of dreams is coming towards you, flying through the twilight sky. 仙乡里的梦婆飞过朦胧的天空,向你飞来。

  The world-mother keeps her seat by you in your mother's heart. 在你妈妈的心头上,那世界母亲,正和你坐在一块儿。

  He who plays his music to the stars is standing at your window with his flute. 他,向星星奏乐的人,正拿着他的横笛,站在你的窗边。

  And the fairy mistress of dreams is coming towards you, flying through the twilight sky. 仙乡里的梦婆飞过朦胧的天空,向你飞来


  孩童之道 Babys way

  F baby only wanted to, he could fly up to heaven this moment. 只要孩子愿意,他此刻便可飞上天去。

  It is not for nothing that he does not leave us. 他所以不离开我们,并不是没有缘故。

  He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her. 他爱把他的头倚在妈妈的胸间,他即使是一刻不见她,也是不行的。

  Baby knows all manner of wise words, though few on earth can understand their meaning. 孩子知道各式各样的聪明话,虽然世间的人很少懂得这些话的意义。

  It is not for nothing that he never wants to speak. 他所以永不想说,并不是没有缘故。

  The one thing he wants is to learn mother's words from mother's lips. That is why he looks so innocent. 他所要做的一件事,就是要学习从妈妈的嘴唇里说出来的话。那就是他所以看来这样天真的缘故。

  Baby had a heap of gold and pearls, yet he came like a beggar on to this earth. 孩子有成堆的黄金与珠子,但他到这个世界上来,却像一个乞丐。

  It is not for nothing he came in such a disguise. 他所以这样假装了来,并不是没有缘故。

  This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless, so that he may beg for mother's wealth of love. 这个可爱的小小的*着身体的乞丐,所以假装着完全无助的样子,便是想要乞求妈妈的爱的财富。

  Baby was so free from every tie in the land of the tiny crescent moon. 孩子在纤小的新月的世界里,是一切束缚都没有的。

  It was not for nothing he gave up his freedom. 他所以放弃了他的自由,并不是没有缘故。

  He knows that there is room for endless joy in mother's little corner of a heart, and it is sweeter far than liberty to be caught and pressed in her dear arms. 他知道有无穷的快乐藏在妈妈的心的小小一隅里,被妈妈亲爱的手臂所拥抱,其甜美远胜过自由。

  Baby never knew how to cry. He dwelt in the land of perfect bliss. 孩子永不知道如何哭泣。他所住的是完全的乐土。

  It is not for nothing he has chosen to shed tears. 他所以要流泪,并不是没有缘故。

  Though with the smile of his dear face he draws mother's yearning heart to him, yet his little cries over tiny troubles weave the double bond of pity and love. 虽然他用了可爱的脸儿上的微笑,引逗得他妈妈的热切的心向着他,然而他的因为细故而发的小小的哭声,却编成了怜与爱的双重约束的带子。


  源极 The source

  THE sleep that flits on baby's eyes--does anybody know from where it comes?

  Yes, there is a rumour that it has its dwelling where, in the fairy village among shadows of the forest dimly lit with glow-worms, there hang two shy buds of enchantment. From there it comes to kiss baby's eyes. 飞至婴儿眼睛停驻的睡眠,有谁知道它是从哪里来的? 是的,传说它是住在森林深处,有萤火虫朦胧的微光照耀着的精灵村,在那里挂着两个迷人羞涩的蓓蕾,从那里,它飞来亲吻婴儿的眼睛。

  The smile that flickers on baby's lips when he sleeps--does anybody know where it was born? Yes, there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born in the dream of a dew-washed morning--the smile that flickers on baby's lips when he sleeps. 当婴儿沉睡时在唇边闪烁着微笑, 有谁知道它在哪里出生?是的,传说新月那一丝青春的清光碰触了即将消逝的秋云边缘,于是微笑便初生在露珠沐浴的晨梦中诞生—— 婴儿沉睡时微笑便会在他的唇边闪动。

  The sweet, soft freshness that blooms on baby's limbs--does anybody know where it was hidden so long? Yes, when the mother was a young girl it lay pervading her heart in tender and silent mystery of love--the sweet, soft freshness that has bloomed on baby's limbs. 甜蜜柔嫩的新鲜气息在婴儿的四肢绽放,有谁知道它是在何处久藏?是的,当妈妈还是个少女时,它已在她的心里,在爱的温柔与沉静的神秘中潜伏—— 甜蜜柔嫩的新鲜气息,在婴儿的四肢绽放。

