

时间:2023-12-02 02:34:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


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  The Yangtze River’s Three Gorges is a great valley with the most splendid landscape on the Yangtze (Changjiang) River and also one of the ten most famous scenic sites of China. It extends from White King Town in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province, to Nanjin Pass in Yichang, Hubei Province, and consists of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a full length of 192 kilometers. The Yangtze River’s Three Gorges presents a scene of boundless varieties with the magnificence of Qutang Gorge, the elegance of Wu Gorge, the perilousness of Xiling Gorge as well as the primitive simplicity of Daning, Xiang and Shennong Rivers. And what’s more, each scene is related to a wonderful fairy tale or a moving legend which attract people.
  三峡 the Yangtze River’s Three Gorges
  壮丽 splendid
  延伸 extend
  白帝城 White King Town
  由…组成 consist of
  瞿塘峡 Qutang Gorge
  巫峡 Wu Gorge
  西陵峡 Xiling Gorge
  险峻 perilousness
  古朴 primitive simplicity
  神话 fairy tale
  动人的 moving

