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【#英语资源# 导语】在生活、工作和学习中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Gorky once said, "secretary is the ladder of human progress." Shakespeare said, "books are the nourishment of the world." I also think so, because reading can not only let us gain knowledge, but also make us happy.

  Books are very important to us, just as people can't live without water and food.

  Reading is also a good habit. Reading for a long time will not only remember many good words and sentences, but also use them skillfully, which is much better than rote memorization. The ancients once said: "there is a golden house in the book, and there is a face like jade in the book." Indeed, only by reading well and concentrating on books can we easily achieve our goals. In the past, I just read blindly, never memorized the good words and sentences in the book, and didn't understand the author's thoughts, feelings and writing methods, which led to my poor writing ability. Later, I had an opportunity to read Gorky's childhood. Gorky's serious reading attitude was that I knew the reason. It tells me that reading should not be too blind. We should taste carefully and read the book thoroughly, so as to achieve the purpose of real reading.

  I like reading more and more. Every time I borrow or buy a good book, I can't wait to open it. Gradually, I learned to read and learned a lot of writing methods, such as reverse order, numbers, analogy and other writing techniques. I think reading is very happy and relaxed. As long as you have a good method, the knowledge in the book will not be forgotten.

  I love reading!


  Books are people's good teachers and friends. They can be read carefully, have fun and kill two birds with one stone. What a good thing!

  Reading is to roam in the ocean of knowledge and absorb rich nutrition. As Shakespeare said, "books are the nutrition of the world". Enlighten and guide people on the road to success. A new book is like a ship, leading you from a narrow place to an infinite sea.

  Goethe said, "reading a good book is talking to a noble man." That's right. Reading history books means communicating with the old revolutionary predecessors and becoming the successor of the revolutionary cause; Reading popular science books is to explore the mysteries of the world and wait for us to discover and solve many puzzles... Reading has both pain and pleasure. The bitter thing is that if you see a good book, you will try to get it; The joy is that when you get a good book, a sense of satisfaction surges into your heart. Now that I am about to graduate, I should study hard and make the final sprint. However, the book is still inseparable from me. Became a pair of good friends. Last time, after the recommendation of my classmates, I read Ostrovsky's "how steel is made", the image of the protagonist Paul and the bumpy fate. The education of perseverance has given me an amazing way forward. Make me understand how to treat life. How to live, how to go. As long as you love reading, you will soon be intoxicated with it and form an essential habit in life.

  Reading more books is also helpful for writing. How can knowledge be full without reading? How can you write a good composition without reading? For this reason, we should read more books. Reading. We can accumulate some good words, sentences and writing methods. It can come in handy in writing. When a composition is revised over and over again, it becomes a good composition and published. Isn't it good and happy? Writing can not only cultivate one's own interest, but also be used as a pastime in daily life.

  Let yourself integrate into the world of books! Feel it, experience it, is a kind of fun in life.


  What is a book? Book is not only a wonderful kaleidoscope, but also my good friend. He took me to a colorful world!

  The samurai followed his sword and landed on the sea. Suddenly, he jumped into the sea with his sword and waited for a samurai to fall into the sea. That's funny!

  I followed him onto the bridge. Two lambs were arguing about who would cross the river first. You wouldn't let me or you. Dong! Dong! They both fell into the river.

  Following him, I came to the river. A group of lovely tadpoles were anxiously looking for their mother. They found carp, tortoise and white goose, but they were not the mother of tadpoles. It turns out that the frog in green is the mother of the tadpole.

  Without spacesuit, I flew to the distant moon with him. There is no life on the moon. Because at night, the temperature on the moon drops below zero, and it will exceed 100 degrees in direct sunlight during the day. There is neither water nor air on the moon, and life cannot live. With him, I also know that the moon is slowly leaving the earth, and the human days will be longer and longer

  I followed him through the time-space tunnel and came to the age of dinosaurs. There are fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex, fat yuanjiaolong, kind-hearted Jialong and huge earthquake Dragon... They have different looks and personalities, making the dinosaur world noisy.

  I read, I am happy! With him, I can walk around the corners of the world, because he is the ocean of knowledge and the source of happiness!


  I am a little girl who likes reading and writing.

  Book, is a silent teacher, "read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles." Yes, between heaven and earth, there is no magical mount that can take us through the vast world like a book. Books are not only the ladder of human progress, but also the good teachers and friends of mankind. They tell us the truth of dealing with people and the true meaning of the world.

  When I was three years old, comic books and Pinyin books took me into the palace of books. I eagerly absorbed the knowledge in the books and broadened my horizons. Slowly, as I grew up, the book became thicker and more profound. My emotions also fluctuate from the plot of the story: when the tyrant ruled the Kingdom and abused the people, I was angry; When the princess and the prince live happily together, I am very happy; When Holmes skillfully exposed one scam after another, my hanging heart gradually calmed down; With the pace of the book, I know more knowledge: human beings are evolved from ape man, and paper is made of bark, hemp head and rags

  Reading makes me happy. Book is a light boat, let me roam in the ocean of knowledge; A book is a key that allows me to open the treasure chest of knowledge and discover endless treasures. Books bring me too much happiness.

  "There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book." Friend, please pick up the book and read it. You will love it as much as I do!


  It's not easy to meet a hobby that fascinates me in my life. I'm lucky because I met a hobby that makes me unable to extricate myself, that is reading. Every time I read it, I am infatuated. I often forget to eat and sleep.

  Once, I read a book from the spring and Autumn period. When I was obsessed with it, my mother said to me in the living room, "daughter, have lunch!" Ah! Why is it noon! Wasn't it morning just now? I only listen to my mother and reluctantly put down my book.

  In fact, I like reading for a reason, because I don't want to grow up and get rid of the world. That's why I study hard. Because I like reading, I am very good in my class. Under the arrangement of the head teacher, I served as the study committee member of the class, and also performed well in collective reading, so I served as one of the librarians. Because I study very hard, my grades in all subjects are very excellent. In English subjects, I became the monitor of English, the leader of mathematics subjects, the leader of Chinese and the leader of the team... These achievements make me proud and make me study hard.

  All this status is due to reading. I spend at least 20 to 60 minutes a day reading a book. Sometimes I'm too obsessed with reading and it's past school time, but I don't complain, but thank you. I swear I will love reading and be friends with books forever.

