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【#英语口语# 导语】商务英语在职场中运用最为广泛,所以备考商务英语口语的时候需要大量的积累和掌握。以下是©文档大全网整理的商务英语入门的常用词汇,欢迎阅读!


  socialist economy 社会主义经济

  capitalist economy 资本主义经济

  collective economy 集体经济

  planned economy 计划经济

  controlled economy 管制经济

  rural economics 农村经济

  liberal economy 经济

  mixed economy 混合经济

  political economy 政治经济学

  protectionism 保护主义

  primary sector 初级成分

  private sector 私营成分,私营部门

  public sector 公共部门,公共成分

  economic channels 经济渠道

  economic balance 经济平衡

  economic fluctuation 经济波动

  economic depression 经济衰退

  economic stability 经济稳定

  economic policy 经济政策

  economic recovery 经济复原

  holding company 控股公司

  rate of growth 增长

  economic trend 经济趋势

  economic situation 经济形势

  infrastructure 基本建设

  standard of living 生活标准,生活水平

  purchasing power, buying power 购买力

  scarcity 短缺

  stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气

  underdevelopment 不发达

  underdeveloped 不发达的

  developing 发展中的

  initial capital 创办资本

  frozen assets 冻结资产

  fixed assets 固定资产

  real estate 不动产,房地产



  词汇既然做为雅思考试口语评分标准的一部分,那就会一定程度上影响到考生的分数。我相信有着相当不错口语基础的考生的词汇量已经不需要再去质疑,很多考生基本上会拥有8000 甚至说更多的词汇量。那么如何再进一步提高在词汇方面的得分呢? 首先,考生们必须熟知一些口语常用词组,并且熟悉这些词组的用法,融会贯通,然后应用在自己的答案里面。对于这些常用词组,大家可以从很多的英文电影,电视剧以及娱乐节目中,或者是与老外的交流中,积累这些词组或者是单词,比如说for what it’s worth, blow, paranoid, fair enough, 等等。这些常用词汇(colloquial phrases)其实就是很多考生难以跨越7分的瓶颈,这也是中式表达与地道的英语表达的差别之一。其次,考生们可以利用自己词汇量大的特点,在口语答案中,偶尔的穿插一些high-level vocabulary, 从而争取更高的分数。


  发音的重要性在之前的关于雅思口语的文章中已经多次的提到,关于元音的发音,中国学生常见的发音错误等在这里就不再详细的阐述了。这里我只是要说一个对于较高水平的中国考生来说需要注意的发音问题:那就是断句和一句话中的不同单词的重读会产生不同的效果。比如说What I am saying is if Michael Scofield were to pull off another successful breakout, he would save Sara’s life. 这句话。很多的考生会从头到尾把这句话念完。但是因为这句话比较长,所以很多考生就很难一次性的念完,所以说到换不上气了,就停顿一下,然后再读。而这样做所产生的问题就是错误的断句会在一定程度上扭曲意思的表达以及听者的理解。正确的断句应该是 What I am saying is if Michael Scofield were to pull off another successful breakout, he would save Sara’s life。






4.雅思口语a library范文

  Describe a library

  Although I have been to many libraries, the one that has given me the deepest impression is Wuhan Library. Wuhan Library is located in the heart of downtown of Hankou.

  The library contains a large amount of books, approximately 5 million. It is regarded as the largest library in China. According to the latest report, the books there can be classified for 5000 categories. Many of them are extremely rare and out of edition. I have been to Wuhan Library for several times when I was a freshman. The library is supposed to be a perfect combination of modern technology and traditional culture. You may find modern computer equipment around each corner of the library. They are designed for people who’d love to check the latest information.

  I especially enjoyed the comfortable seats there, and the reading conditions are very desirable. But it is too far away from my home.


  Describe a good thing that can help improve your health

  Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for mastering a musical instrument, especially playing the cello. Compared with doing sports activities, playing the cello does not enhance my physical health, but it is a good thing that can cultivate my soul, another way to improve my health. To tell you the truth, when I was a kid, I always attended training classes to learn the skills of play the cello. Thus, playing the cello gradually became one of my hobbies, then a habit. Whenever I play it, it will calm me down and let me to a world out of this world. I easily carry away without trace. Personally speaking, I believe, relaxation is what I could get out from such a habit. Well, you see, I am only a student, and I have to cope with all sorts of hard work or even trial things, but whenever I pick up the cello, I could feel much more soothed and relieved.

