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【#四六级考试# 导语】2017年12月六级考试马上到来了,为了让同学们更好准备六级考试,©文档大全网特别整理了《2017年12月英语六级翻译预测:电子商务》,希望可以为大家带来帮助, 预祝大家高分通过考试。
 电子商务在近几年迅猛发展,使传统零售业遭受重击。传统零售业的营业收入大幅减少,而电子商务却占领了原属于传统零售业的市场。在过去的一年中,很多品牌关闭了全国的几千个实体店(physical store)。对于很多消费者来说,线上购物已成为他们生活中不可缺少的一部分,因此在实体店消费的时间和金额就下降了。分析家预测,在5年内电子商务将占据中国零售总额的1/5,因而一些传统零售店很可能被逐渐取代。
  E-commerce has experienced tremendous growthin recent years, giving a heavy blow to thetraditional retail industry. The revenue of thetraditional retail industry has shrunk substantially, and its market has been occupied by e-commerce. In the past year, companies of a great many brands closed thousands of physical storesnationwide. For many consumers, online shopping has become an indispensable part of theirlives; thus they spend less time and money in physical stores. Analysts predict e-commercewill account for a fifth of the total retail sales in China within 5 years, so some traditionalretail stores might be replaced gradually.

