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【#四六级考试# 导语】2017年12月六级考试马上到来了,为了让同学们更好准备六级考试,©文档大全网特别整理了《2017年12月英语六级翻译预测:天宫一号》,希望可以为大家带来帮助, 预祝大家高分通过考试。
  天宫一号目标飞行器(Tiangong-1 target spacecraft)于2011年9月29日发射,是中国第一个目标飞行器和空间实验室。它使中国人的飞天(flying Apsaras)梦想得以实现,成为中国探月工程(Chinese Lunar ExplorationProgram)的里程碑。天宫一号的成功发射表明,中国经过几十年的经济发展,国家实力得到大幅提升,有能力发展高端航天科技。但是,与俄罗斯、美国等国家相比,中国的空间站技术仍处于起步阶段,“天宫一号”的发射是中国努力缩小差距的开始。太空是人类共同的财富,在探索太空的事业中,中国应当做出自己的贡献。
  Tlangong-1 target spacecraft, launched onSeptember 29,2011, is China's first targetspacecraft and space laboratory. It fulfills theChinese people's dream of flying Apsaras andbecomes a landmark of the Chinese LunarExploration Program. The successful launch of Tiangong-1 indicates that after decades ofeconomic development, China's national strength has increased substantial which enables theChinese people to develop high-end aerospace science and technology. However, comparedwith Russia, America and other countries, China's space station technology is still in its initialstage. The lift-off of Tiangong-1 is the start of China's efforts to narrow the gap. The out spaceis the common wealth of mankind and China should make its own contribution to theexploration.

